I love black metal, always have, always will. Among my cds you can find classic black metal near some real shitty underground bands (which I like..) and I love some of the image that comes with the music, more find it amusing
Thats why I opened that thread Quotes that made the Norwegian black metal (if anyone remembers)
Those black metal bands play great music, and their image amuses me, in the good way of course.
Image, comes with the music.
Just like Iron Maiden have a 3-feet Eddie walking on stage, and Helloween have their huge pumpkin on stage,
Thats how black metal bands do it themselves
huge pentagrams, chicks on crosses
what ever gets it going
I absolutely do not agree with killing animals, just for the show.
I may sound like a hypocrite since I eat meat, and someone kills a cow just to make my lunch.
but still
if its ok to cut a sheep on stage, then whats next? Rape a girl ? burn cats ?
and to be honest- the blood effect has grown old long time ago.
Yeah, when Mayhem did it at the early 90s is was shocking and unusual. it was a part of the music itself- that meant to shock the listener and to create the whole satanic atmosphere, but I dont find it amusing anymore
I read Lord Of Chaos,a nd I have several books on that subject.
I wish bands could put that blood shit in the history
There are many other things that can make you look satanic
And on another note: satan is lame
He is a Christian god, dont forget that