

A God in my own mind
Nov 15, 2001
Atlanta and Chicago
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So... I've been depressed all year... I was engaged early last year... it ended because she turned into a totally different person. This quarter in school, I thought I was over everything... but I still let little stupid shit get me down and depressed... to the point where I couldn't even wake up anymore. All I wanted to do was lay down and listen to my depressing music. So now I've fucked myself over in all of my classes... I have a hopeful meeting with the Dean of my school tomorrow to get incompletes in two of my classes for health/mental reasons... if not... I get academic dismissal and have to leave all my wonderful friends and the only life I know :( PLEASE... I NEED some help and some support. This is one of the few outlets I have. I love you guys.


Everything will sort itself out in time hun, you just have to be strong!.. And with friends like us.. (The people of this board)... You'll be alright! ;)
I am really sorry about your fiance turning out how she did. You will find another sweet girl worthy of your love, and be happy together..!
But, just do not give up on anything! And you definately cannot give up on yourself when other friends like us still believe in you...!

~Cuddles Towelie real tight~
Hehehe... thanks Saph... I'm looking foward to getting to know you better :) I don't think I'll give up... even though it's so tempting sometimes... it's like... hmmm... drink alot/listen to opeth... or study
Hang in there guy...things will get better and like Saphira said, the girl of your dreams may be in your future. Just devote yourself to doing things the best you can and don't give up. :)
Originally posted by Towelie
So... I've been depressed all year... I was engaged early last year... it ended because she turned into a totally different person. This quarter in school, I thought I was over everything... but I still let little stupid shit get me down and depressed... to the point where I couldn't even wake up anymore. All I wanted to do was lay down and listen to my depressing music. So now I've fucked myself over in all of my classes... I have a hopeful meeting with the Dean of my school tomorrow to get incompletes in two of my classes for health/mental reasons... if not... I get academic dismissal and have to leave all my wonderful friends and the only life I know :( PLEASE... I NEED some help and some support. This is one of the few outlets I have. I love you guys.


hmm.. are you sure you are not me?

Anyway, the depression part of your problem will go away. That's a promise.

A few months ago, I posted on this forum at the height of my depression, and these ppl right here helped me so much.

The way I combatted my depression is quite strange though..

I gave up on my current life, and stopped caring about things, and somehow this lessened my depression greatly.. I don't suggfest you try that. But you will get through it all.. Things will get better.

My therapist told me that. and I did not beleive him at all.

So good luck..
Originally posted by Towelie
So... I've been depressed all year... I was engaged early last year... it ended because she turned into a totally different person. This quarter in school, I thought I was over everything... but I still let little stupid shit get me down and depressed... to the point where I couldn't even wake up anymore. All I wanted to do was lay down and listen to my depressing music. So now I've fucked myself over in all of my classes... I have a hopeful meeting with the Dean of my school tomorrow to get incompletes in two of my classes for health/mental reasons... if not... I get academic dismissal and have to leave all my wonderful friends and the only life I know :( PLEASE... I NEED some help and some support. This is one of the few outlets I have. I love you guys.


Depression sucks! I know the feeling!
Just like the others say, stay strong!
We all have our dark periods and sooner or later
we'll get out of them! It may take time, but be strong! ;)
Pretty unanimous response, I'd say. What I love about this place is that no matter what time of day you log on, you can post something and get a reply fairly quickly.

Sometimes the best therapist is someone completely objective, totally removed from the situation.

We are here.. pretty much always. ;)
I certainly hope you can see this thing through. The fight HAS to come from within. Medicine may help - if you find the right mix of medicine that works with minimal side effects. And therapy can help.

All I can say is you have to be willing to listen to the advice from your support group (which of course includes us Opethians:) ). You're going to have to work hard at the depression. That sucks, because you have other things to work at, like school, relationships, etc. But, if you're not healthy (which includes mental health issues), nothing else around you will ever seem to work quite right.

Hang in there - it's a struggle - but you have to look forward and see that there are way to many possibilities that lie ahead for this "depression" to screw them up. Life will ALWAYS have ups and downs - you have to temper the extremes - don't get too high, beacuse the higher you get, the next dissapointment will make you fall too hard. And fight those lows, when you just want to lie there. I hope you have people close to you that can help you through the day.
As you maybe already know, i do not have this tipical positive helpful outlook on me. That is because i have lived what you are going throught for nearly 10 years. Listen to everyone in the forum what they say might just help you out, but what to do in the mean time? while it kicks in? right now ? well everyone seems to just say be strong, i understand their concern. But you might realize that when you are totally down you do not have will for anything, not even living sometimes, how can you be strong? it seems impossible while you are under. The only thoughts that always helped me to somehow get myself through it where either Love or Music. Love always made me feel like i should allow myself to go on at least until i get up on my feet again, if nothing matters it doesnt matters to just hold on a couple of hours and see if my dear ones and my beloved could understand me and confort me. Music on the other side is difficult to explain. I always look foward to it when im so down, sometimes is my only hopefull thought because i know that the minute i forget about things and start getting on my feet i will feel this overwhelming inspiration to write or learn music, this is when i make all my progress in guitar and theory, this is when i compose all my songs. It can last just some hours it can go on for a week but i can always know its gonna be there. Some other things are known to get me out of depression, but you gotta think what moves you with your mind away from drepression right now, because even if you have a moment when you cannot think of anything when you are down chances are that is gonna make you feel even worst, fall eve deeper, to the point where you think ok life is now worthless i should not steel the air other people need. Try to think in something that gives you even just a bid of hope, something that you really want to do something that intriges you, something to make the wait on those hours/days down worthwhile. If nothing works, if no hope is big enough to keep you going, do yourself a favor and come to this forum and talk to this people one last time, or talk to some relatives if at all possible or someone dear to you, there is a huge chance they will change your mind about things.
First of all, if at all possible avoid school social workers; most of them are useless fucks. I would talk to your family physician and see if he can give you a referral, that way you won't have to pay for therapy, or you could go to something like Rainbow Hospice (I believe it is free), or you could go to a university clinic and be counseled by students who don't have any idea as to what the fuck they are doing and will end up causing more damage :err: . I recommend talking to your family physician; if you don't have one, do a Rainbow Hospice type thing. Possibly, you just need more Opeth and Opethians :) .