Woo! UK Gigs!


Englands Last Bolshie
Apr 18, 2001
Peoples Republic Of Derby
Im NOT listing them, lazy beggars :p

Oh ok ;)

Newcastle Upon Tyne


Isle Of Wight

with more to come... well looks like me hard earned holidays @ work are coming in ;)

I taje it ill be seing a few of yous around the country then!
You'd be seeing me in Trillians in Newcastle on the 9th but..I'm going on holiday on the 7th. :yell: im guttered, Can't believe it :( Hope you lucky ones enjoy yourselves though :)
Don't hold your breath Dan, venues in Bristol & Bath tend to be awkward to get if you're not a local band or with a major promoter.

Sadly I don't think I'll be at any of them either as they're all bleedin' miles away.
Bum Sausage.

Still, theres more to be done yet, so dont give up!

Think it might be time once again for me to visit my homeland North East... and maybe Kendal & Bradford while im oop north!
I hope the 54s get a London gig at some point in July - I'm away all August, and I can't really travel far to get to gigs.

Tony said:
Im NOT listing them, lazy beggars :p

Oh ok ;)

Newcastle Upon Tyne


Isle Of Wight

with more to come... well looks like me hard earned holidays @ work are coming in ;)

I taje it ill be seing a few of yous around the country then!
Bum, :erk: just got back from the Isle Of Wight - If I'd known I would have booked an extra week...........still, there's gotta be more gigs in the more important parts of England (London for example :p ;))
And for all the jumping about, work managed to not pay me for a month, and i can barely afford the rent, let alone gigs! :(

So if a big london gig comes up... ill be making my yearly 'get lost in a london suburb' trip! :D

Darn, i feel shitty missing all them gigs :( Stupid employment :(
I'll tell you something, they'd better play Glasgow or I'll....i don't know....cry or something. Lakis said they should hopefully come up here on this tour....which translated as "we will deffinately play Glasgow", so I shall be very much disappointed if they don't.