Woods of Ypres Logo-Only T-shirts are finally available again!
"White on Black & Nothing on the Back."
Sizes: Medium, Large, XL, (XXL coming soon!)
$20* CND within CANADA
$15* USD to the USA
$17* USD to the WORLD
*Flat rate (Includes shipping)!
- Well hidden cash
- Cheques
- Money Order
Send to:
David Gold
3421 Colonial Dr.
Mississauga, ON, Canada
L5L 5B3
Or Paypal payment to: woodsofypres@hotmail.com
All orders are shipped on the same day they are received. Please remember to specify your size (M, L, XL, XXL).
These shirts are available only direct from us. + Quantities are limited.
The "Pursuit of the Sun & Allure of the Earth" CD is still available from 'The End Records'
Thanks as always for your support!
David - \w/

"White on Black & Nothing on the Back."
Sizes: Medium, Large, XL, (XXL coming soon!)
$20* CND within CANADA
$15* USD to the USA
$17* USD to the WORLD
*Flat rate (Includes shipping)!
- Well hidden cash
- Cheques
- Money Order
Send to:
David Gold
3421 Colonial Dr.
Mississauga, ON, Canada
L5L 5B3
Or Paypal payment to: woodsofypres@hotmail.com
All orders are shipped on the same day they are received. Please remember to specify your size (M, L, XL, XXL).
These shirts are available only direct from us. + Quantities are limited.

The "Pursuit of the Sun & Allure of the Earth" CD is still available from 'The End Records'
Thanks as always for your support!
David - \w/