Words of wisdom..


Oh, Beth...
Jul 10, 2001
Espoo, Finland
Visit site
"Listening to Opeth is like falling in love with a woman who is beautiful in both body and mind. You are drawn to her exquisite appearance, but it takes time to really gain a full appreciation for the depth of her character. Over time, love grows, and the relationship gets more rewarding. Opeth is like that...it starts good, and gets much better over time. This is not a band that you listen to for a while then forget...it is an enduring experience, and a promise of reward. Listening to Orchid and enjoying it is like a gift that offers ineffable delight."

This I just came across at Amazon.com reading some Opeth reviews. Beautiful, isn't it? I've never heard as good a description about the band, and this would capture anyone without even a slight interest in progressive or metal.