Working out


May 16, 2004
I've had tendonitis in both my hands for a while now, and in addition to not being able to play guitar, it also means I can't do push-ups, lift weights, etc... I can still do sit-ups, but does anyone know of a way to work out my chest, biceps and triceps without killing my hands?
WNxScythe said:
I've had tendonitis in both my hands for a while now, and in addition to not being able to play guitar, it also means I can't do push-ups, lift weights, etc... I can still do sit-ups, but does anyone know of a way to work out my chest, biceps and triceps without killing my hands?
wear boxing gloves
WNxScythe said:
I've had tendonitis in both my hands for a while now, and in addition to not being able to play guitar, it also means I can't do push-ups, lift weights, etc... I can still do sit-ups, but does anyone know of a way to work out my chest, biceps and triceps without killing my hands?

I have a little tendonitis in both hands from guitar, it used to be alot worse. I just stopped playing guitar for a while and in time I got better. How long have you had it?
i can't swim (because of the bi-lateral co-ordination problem that prevents me from riding a bike)
so i would suggest tai-chi (or whatever the hell it's called when you're doing martial art type moves by yourself without actually hiting anything with your hands)