working with racists

Originally posted by xfer
Are they lefty racists or righty racists? I honestly don't know who's worse.

Here's a really stupid question, everyone should be allowed one once in a while.

What's the difference between Lefty and Righty's?

If I ask another stupid question this week, hunt me down and kill me.:rolleyes:

I hate racist muthafuckers that don't know shit. It would be really hard for me to work with these pricks, my condolences Deadair.:(
well, you can always tell the friendly local attorney general. they really dislike that stuff, as it's a federal offense. do you know the kinds of settlements dudes get for being forced to work in a hostile work environment? this is sort of what i do for a job (discrimination/estate planning/financial planning law). anyway, it SUCKS. i work in a very liberal place. not PC, but people really just aren't racist. so it's not a restricted environment, people just aren't stupid. i am *very* lucky.
I think the core difference between lefties and righties is that lefties are generally evil through stupidity or selfishness and righties are generally evil through malice or ignorance. That's a massive oversimplification, but it's a start!

Or do you mean the difference between lefty racists and righty racists?
you don't work for anyone else that hates that they do that?
i had to once turn in my employer for being a psycho racist. i just imagined some poor black dude working for them, and figured, i better do something.
maybe i'm the dreaded PC, but i find myself surrounded by similarly intolerable bullshit in most of my most dealings with... the humans.

sorry that your situation is that uncomfortable; i'm sure you're making the most of it, and you're not alone. do you dare say anything about it?
Originally posted by goatschool
"say anything about it", meaning, to them, directly. rationally.

Hate to say it but most racist I've met are lead by irrational thoughts and just can't see a tree in the forest. Saying something may change their thoughts, but unlikely, and may cause trouble with you at work.(promotions, fights, backstabbin etc etc)
vangelic, i so *feel* that. all of hampshire county was like that, right!?!?
ugh. anyway, i mean, most people have their racial/ethnic/sexual hang ups and hatreds, but admitting them is 1/2 the battle. hiding them is like hiding a dinosaur in your underpants. nah mean?
Saying something may change their thoughts, but unlikely

yeah, what i meant by "saying something" was more along the lines of "uh, that kind of bothers me, dude?" as a direct response to a racial insult.

sorry i wasn't clearer on that.

and it might make it worse, but if there's mutual respect in the workplace, i'm thinking something like that could at least help a little. i'm trying to remember if i've said something similar. i hate how memories like this get jumbled.

oh, and Josh, that PC comment wasn't necessarily aimed at you or anyone... i mean, since you put the pee in PC, after all
i dunno, man, i think context is really important. racial slurs have passed my lips before (who hasn't sung along to dr. dre, after all?), but it's clearly different when I call Greg a lazy wop than somebody who actually means it.

so it can be hard to say "that kind of bothers me", because you never know if it's you who are the problem, being hypersensitive, missing the joke (and, since i have some arch-conservative friends, i know that it's SO FUCKING HARD to pick out joking righties from serious righty racists, if only because i automatically assume the worst about righties).