Worst Album of the Year?


Here's a strong contender:
Bonfire - Double X - added - October 21st, 2006
Reviewer: Ruben Mosqueda

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]1/5[/FONT]
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[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]What can you say about Bonfire, when I first heard them in 1988 they were sounding eerily similar to the L.A. hair metal and these guys are from Germany. They shocked fans many years later when they turned their back on their core audience and (gasp!) tried their hand at southern rock! I found it unbelievable, but what else can you expect from a band that jumps on bandwagons like exotic dancers jump on wads of money? They become inconsistent. One thing that I did admire Bonfire was their ability to write good rock riffs and melodies for their songs which were catchy and easy on the ears. Bonfire didn’t ever become well rounded songwriters. So here we are in 2006 Bonfire just issued domestically their Double X album, so when a copy arrived in the mail, I was curious how Bonfire circa 2006 fares compared to Bonfire circa 1988? Hang on to your mullet you’re about to find out...[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Double X is a scattered album, Bonfire sounds confused they don’t know if they are political band, as represented here in “Day 911” (just what America needs a third rate 9/11 song), tree hugging environmental activists as heard in “Cry for Help,” U2 wannabe social activists like in “What’s On Your Mind?” or a hair metal version of Tenacious D as heard in “Rap is Crap!” Just who is Bonfire? Lyrically Bonfire has not developed as song writers, again all the songs have some great moments and as expected the guitar riffs shine throughout. This album isn’t a complete wash, there are a couple of songs that almost hit the spot like; “Bet Your Bottom Dollar,” which is very Van Halenesque and is probably the best song that I would consider listening to again and there’s the hard rocking “Right Things Right,” which falls victim to lyrical blunders (go figure), but isn’t so ridiculous that it’s unlistenable. Listen there’s different palettes for all forms of music, but if someone who didn’t know what hard rock was about, picked up Double X, they’d probably choke on their own vomit, maybe because they’d find this album hilarious in terms it’s cheese factor or because it’s nauseating, or maybe both. Before I cap this wounded animal in the head, I’d like to invite Bonfire to appear in East Los Angeles, I know a guy that runs a club there and perhaps they’d be willing to play a live rendition of “Rap Is Crap!” sometime?[/FONT]
rokk said:
Au contraire my friend. I think its great! I'm enjoying it much more than previous maiden endeavors of late.
Sickboy and Wyvern refuse to budge on their stance that the new Maiden sucks. Very stubborn people, they are! I even got kicked off Wyvern's Christmas list because of our diametric views on the album. :lol:

Gotta respect them for not bowing down to peer pressure though. They are in the vast minority!

As for worst album of the year, I've likely not heard it yet and probably never will. My biggest disappointment of the year is definitely Evergrey. Although it's not a horrible album by any stretch, I found it to be quite boring when compared to previous efforts.
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
Sickboy and Wyvern refuse to budge on their stance that the new Maiden sucks. Very stubborn people, they are! I even got kicked off Wyvern's Christmas list because of our diametric views on the album. :lol:

Gotta respect them for not bowing down to peer pressure though. They are in the vast minority!

I find the album boring, I wouldn't say I hate it. Now some of us that didn't "like" the new Miaden album might be in the minority, but Maiden fans that buy their records are as well. They are still a draw live, but I'd be concerened if I were them about putting out solid effort everytime. They just don't sell records. Now the die hards are gonna cry foul and claim that it has something to do with downloading? Really? well just was the excuse on No Fear for the Dying or how about Fear of the Dark?
The new maiden was weak, not one of the best, but not terrible either. It was middle of the road for them.

Regarding Bonfire's Southern Rock sound, you can chalk that up to Angel Scheliffer (or whatever the dude's name was) he listens to that stuff and pushed the band in that direction.

Is he still in the band today?
sixxswine said:
I find the album boring, I wouldn't say I hate it. Now some of us that didn't "like" the new Miaden album might be in the minority, but Maiden fans that buy their records are as well.
Yeah, when I said minority I wasn't referring to people who just didn't like it much, I was speaking of people who think it "Sucks" and are tempted to call it worst album of the year!
That's why I've put "of the noteworthy bands" in my post, meaning established/well-known acts, who've proven themselves in the past and can be expected to pull off a great album. I'm sorry, but the last Evergrey album which many of you seem to dislike and proclaim the worst of this year is many times more listenable and enjoyable than new Maiden for me...
I've listened to it (gasp!) whole many times, while I've barely withstood new Maiden in its entirety. And yes, it was almost a matter of life and death... :p

Seriously, it has nothing to do with stubbornness or starting a new endless "is too/is not" discussion... I just think it's not worth the Iron Maiden name on the sleeve and I don't care one tiny bit that it in fact bears that name - that doesn't make it any better or worse in my eyes!
SickBoy said:
I'm sorry, but the last Evergrey album which many of you seem to dislike and proclaim the worst of this year is many times more listenable and enjoyable than new Maiden for me...
My friend, not only are we on opposite sides of the fence on this one, we're on opposite sides of the pasture! I find it hard to listen to the new Evergrey all the way through and yet I can listen to the new Maiden in it's entirety, over and over.
Seriously, it has nothing to do with stubbornness or starting a new endless "is too/is not" discussion... I just think it's not worth the Iron Maiden name on the sleeve and I don't care one tiny bit that it in fact bears that name - that doesn't make it any better or worse in my eyes!
IS TOO great! :p Just to clarify, I am far from a Maiden fanboy. At least not for 15 years. The last Maiden album I bought new was Fear of the Dark. After that, I pretty much gave up on them. The only reason I bought this one was because it tickles my ear-drums immensely. It's my kind of music.

Obviously, as before, we'll have to agree to disagree. :saint:
Worst I heard this year was the latest Voivod and I just got a promo of "Journey into the Fourth Dimension" , a project including some supposed famous musicians I never heard of ,wich must be one of the worst instumental records ever made... The new Maiden isn't that bad for me, but I prefer Killers. The latest Evergrey indeed was a step down compared to Inner Circle, but not that bad either, certainly not to become the worst album of the year...Who's Paris Hilton ??
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
Yeah, when I said minority I wasn't referring to people who just didn't like it much, I was speaking of people who think it "Sucks" and are tempted to call it worst album of the year!

I hear you. I hate the word "sucks" it tells me nothing about about the content. I'd be surprised to see that on someone's top 5 worst albums 2006, there's worse out there...
poundingmetal74 said:
The new maiden was weak, not one of the best, but not terrible either. It was middle of the road for them.

Regarding Bonfire's Southern Rock sound, you can chalk that up to Angel Scheliffer (or whatever the dude's name was) he listens to that stuff and pushed the band in that direction.

Is he still in the band today?

As far as I'm concerned Southern Rock should be done by Americans.
I've yet to hear a band or musician from another country pull it off convincingly.... As with country music. No what's his face isn't even in the band anymore.
Authentic Metalhead said:
The worst album of the year in any genre has to be Paris Hilton's waste of CD material.

:ill: Dude, why are you even listening to that stuff? :lol:

Personally, the worst album I've purchased this year has to be Operation:Mindcrime II by Queensryche. Ugh! :puke: