Worst Album of the Year?

sumairetsu said:
Personally, the worst album I've purchased this year has to be Operation:Mindcrime II by Queensryche. Ugh! :puke:

Well I strongly disagree with what you say, I'll defend to the death your right to say it.

It wasn't that bad dude. It had some great songs on it and was certainly an improvement over their last few discs. Plus, there's no way Maiden's new album was any better.
sumairetsu said:
Personally, the worst album I've purchased this year has to be Operation:Mindcrime II by Queensryche. Ugh! :puke:

Hm...Let me correct myself - OM2 proudly waves the banner of the worst recording for 2006, not Maiden. There you go TSO! ;)

I've totally forgotten about OM2 and thank god I did (no offense to anyone digging it).
SickBoy said:
Hm...Let me correct myself - OM2 proudly waves the banner of the worst recording for 2006, not Maiden. There you go TSO! ;)

I've totally forgotten about OM2 and thank god I did (no offense to anyone digging it).

I kinda put both OMII and Maiden's new one in the same boat, not spectacular, not horrible, but just very vanilla...
I will admit that the expactations for OMCII were higher than with Maiden though...
SickBoy said:
Hm...Let me correct myself - OM2 proudly waves the banner of the worst recording for 2006, not Maiden. There you go TSO! ;)
Thanks buddy, I feel much better now! :D

I liked the new Queensryche myself. Nothing groundbreaking, but I didn't expect it to be. It got quite a few spins over the summer although I haven't listened to it recently and haven't really missed it. I'll not defend it to the death like I would the new Maiden. It's not THAT good. :loco:
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
Thanks buddy, I feel much better now! :D

I liked the new Queensryche myself. Nothing groundbreaking, but I didn't expect it to be. It got quite a few spins over the summer although I haven't listened to it recently and haven't really missed it. I'll not defend it to the death like I would the new Maiden. It's not THAT good. :loco:

The closing track from OPMCII is friggin immense...awesome, among their all-time best.
If you're wondering what the rest of the world thinks on this topic check out:

Of note:
#1 Paris Hilton
#7 Rob Zombie
#33 Queensryche
#44 Godsmack
#48 Dissection
#53 Body Count
#72 Def Leppard

I still haven't bought O:MII, since I hated QR's last 10 years worth of crap so much. But I do need to get it for the collection, so if anybody wants to get rid of theirs then look me up.
Though I've mentioned it here a lot, the new Maiden is brilliant in my book. And OMII was much better, in my eyes, than most give it credit for.

As to worst...hmm....I like A.F.I. (not metal), but their new album did nothing for me at all. As to real stinkers for metal....I'm not aware of anybody who completely let me down this year....
I'm gonna throw a vote in for Operation: Mindcrime II. Not that I hated it, but aside from Rearrange You and The Chase, it didn't do much for me (those, two songs, however, kick muchos ass)
SoundMaster said:
The closing track from OPMCII is friggin immense...awesome, among their all-time best.

I love the song as well but it feels "out of place" in a lot of ways. I think it could be a hit on adult contemp. radio (Dental Office music). Women seem to really love that song and I think the duet in that song is one of the higher points of the disc.

Best track was Murderer. One of the most progressive tracks Ryche has done is a while and if you EQ it properly that song can be heavy as hell.

Zrocker said:
I didn't like Blood Good's "Rock in A Hard Place" when it came out because it was two mellow. But I like it now.

Love that disc. Bloodgood were 1 of the killer Christian Metal bands to emerge from the 80s (Along with Stryper - their heavier stuff was brilliant - Sacred Warrior, Titanic/Final Axe and Saint should be explored by everyone on this board).
The worst 2006 album I purchased is Seven Witches - Amped. :erk:

I am big SW fan but this album just blew. :puke:

The new Queensryche and Edguy were pretty bad too.
Hard for me to say since usually I don't buy a weak album anymore. Nowdays i check everything before a purchase, and I don't count albums I don't own for any top ten or down ten :D

Said that some albums I bought this year dissapointed me on several levels, so I can quote as "dissapointments"

Blind Guardian – “A Twist In The Myth”
Meliah Rage – “The Deep And Dreamless Sleep”
Manigance – “L’Ombre Et La Lumière”
Black Steel – “Hellhammer”
Cellador – “Enter Deception”
Rick Wakeman – “Retro”
Blackmore’s Night – “The Village Lanterne”

as albums from artists I felt they can give more but they didn't.

And now my definitive vote as the worst album of the year (got it and got rid of it):

Lacuna Coil - "Karmacode". They change their sound, gone mallcore and shittied the hell of of their music. Just another goth+Evanescence wannabe band, totally lost their direction.

I may dislike AMOLAD but at least Maiden hasn't sold out.
I gotta say the new Virgin Steele was very disappointing. Or more precisely, the fact that it sounds like it's done entirely with MIDI instruments... what the hell was DeFeis thinking?:erk:

The new Rage was somewhat disappointing but far from bad. Love the new Evergrey, BG, Falconer, JOP, Vicious Rumors... and Maiden's mighty fine too. Still haven't heard OM:2.
I loved the new Edguy. While it wasn't their best album, it was still very good. It showed a new really fun side to the band and still contained some of their best tracks to date.

Wasted Time, Sacrifice or Asylum wouldn't have been out of place on any other album. At the same time, songs like Save Me or Superheroes are just plain fun to listen to and really showed a maturity and "mainstream sound" without sounding like it (think Parallels from Fates).
poundingmetal74 said:
I loved the new Edguy. While it wasn't their best album, it was still very good. It showed a new really fun side to the band and still contained some of their best tracks to date.
The new Edguy is actually in my top ten of the year list, although it's hanging by a thread. :D I love that album, a really good fun listen. I played it alot over the summer, especially when camping.

I prefer more mid-tempo music, so this is my fave Edguy yet. :kickass:
I love the new Edguy also. Loved the last one from them. Call it maturing or whatever... the newer Edguy is a helluva lot better than the old Edguy... and the old Edguy wasn't bad.

Love the new Maiden. Like Wyv said, at least they haven't sold out!

The new BG is ace too. I think I like this new one just about as much as Nightfall, which is my fave from them. I wouldn't call it a return to form, more like just moving on and it a great direction.

Disc that shouldn't have been made: OMII

I give up on these guys... They should too.
sixxswine said:
Here's a strong contender:
Bonfire - Double X - added - October 21st, 2006
Reviewer: Ruben Mosqueda

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]1/5[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]What can you say about Bonfire, when I first heard them in 1988 they were sounding eerily similar to the L.A. hair metal and these guys are from Germany. They shocked fans many years later when they turned their back on their core audience and (gasp!) tried their hand at southern rock! I found it unbelievable, but what else can you expect from a band that jumps on bandwagons like exotic dancers jump on wads of money? They become inconsistent. One thing that I did admire Bonfire was their ability to write good rock riffs and melodies for their songs which were catchy and easy on the ears. Bonfire didn’t ever become well rounded songwriters. So here we are in 2006 Bonfire just issued domestically their Double X album, so when a copy arrived in the mail, I was curious how Bonfire circa 2006 fares compared to Bonfire circa 1988? Hang on to your mullet you’re about to find out...[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Double X is a scattered album, Bonfire sounds confused they don’t know if they are political band, as represented here in “Day 911” (just what America needs a third rate 9/11 song), tree hugging environmental activists as heard in “Cry for Help,” U2 wannabe social activists like in “What’s On Your Mind?” or a hair metal version of Tenacious D as heard in “Rap is Crap!” Just who is Bonfire? Lyrically Bonfire has not developed as song writers, again all the songs have some great moments and as expected the guitar riffs shine throughout. This album isn’t a complete wash, there are a couple of songs that almost hit the spot like; “Bet Your Bottom Dollar,” which is very Van Halenesque and is probably the best song that I would consider listening to again and there’s the hard rocking “Right Things Right,” which falls victim to lyrical blunders (go figure), but isn’t so ridiculous that it’s unlistenable. Listen there’s different palettes for all forms of music, but if someone who didn’t know what hard rock was about, picked up Double X, they’d probably choke on their own vomit, maybe because they’d find this album hilarious in terms it’s cheese factor or because it’s nauseating, or maybe both. Before I cap this wounded animal in the head, I’d like to invite Bonfire to appear in East Los Angeles, I know a guy that runs a club there and perhaps they’d be willing to play a live rendition of “Rap Is Crap!” sometime?[/FONT]

haven't heard much of it but your opinions seems to be pretty accurate on this message board. maybe the paris hilton cd though. or that fergie cd