worst/best gift


Dragon of the Aesir
Mar 3, 2002
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this xmas what was your favorite gift you got? the worst? My favorite is the hammer of Thor necklace i got from my friend Clif. Worst?...I'm not too sure on that one...either the make-up i got or the puddle of mudd t-shirt.
well this xmas all my gift were ok but i remember when my mother were at Mexico and gave a Exodus force of the habit t shirt i jate that shirt but now years after i love it, also my dad gave a cinderella still climbing cd!!!!!!!!!!!well i bougth that one
One of my favorite movies of all time was finally just recently released on DVD - Clash of the Titans! So of all the dvds and other stuff I got, this was the best gift. That and a very cool book called "Going to Pieces: the Rise and Fall of the Slasher Film; 1978-1986"
Didnt get anything I didnt like.
Best gift: For the gift itself, Iron Maiden - Eddie's Archive...for the thought behind it, the watch that my girlfriend got me (On our second date [a little less than two weeks ago], I had apparently been asking what the time was every 10 minutes or so...somehow, she interpreted this as a hint that I wanted a watch. I actually DID want a watch, and have for years, but I've never really made an effort to get one, or ask for one. That, and I had no expectations of her getting me a gift at all [Actually, I insisted that she not, since I wanted to spare her the trouble of figuring out what to get me] )

Worst gift: The CD-R mix that my aunt gave me...it was all rap/pop/nu-"metal" shit...the only even REMOTELY decent song on it was Enter Sandman. And what was even worse about it, she called it the "Dog mix" and had a picture of one of her dogs on it (Which bears a striking resemblance to the dog that I had, that bit my head open when I was 10. She probably didn't realize that, though) I know that she meant well by it...but it was still the worst I got. Ah, well. At least she was smart/thoughtful enough to include a $20 check with it.