worst day ever`

Jun 26, 2009
New Jersey
i just reorganized my little recording area today and 2 things happened.

I went to pull my XLR cable out of my countryman type 85 di box and the input was ripped out so now i have an input jack and the 3 wires are hanging out of it. Only prob is I know nothing about soldering or which wire is which. (There is an orange, red and a dark orange/brown in the order.)

Also, when i turned my interface on, both of the mic inputs are clipping with rediculous hum. Input 1 has done that for a while, so i always just used input 2, but now they are both doing it, the second one humming about 2-3 db louder.

Anyone know how do fix? I have a M-Audio Duo Interface which i plan on replacing when i have the cash, i just bought the countryman of Ebay and a pair of Mr5's so im low on flow
haha ahh man you have not had the worst day ever - you'll never know what the worst day ever is until it happens - lets just say it involved a shit load of blood - it was fucking fucked up
haha ahh man you have not had the worst day ever - you'll never know what the worst day ever is until it happens - lets just say it involved a shit load of blood - it was fucking fucked up

haha good call.

As far as the countryman gos i figured it out by opening it up, brownish is the ground cause it is linked to the ground switch, red is positive, orange is negative. Just sucks though cause i still cant get my interface working. The LED's on the interface are lit up to the point where they are clipping, but when i arm them for recording in reaper, the first input is almost silent and the second input is almost clipping in reaper. The first input is dead, i know that for a fact, i cant lose my other mic input though, its the only one i have =( . I opened up my interface and it is 100% dust free. Its weird though cause it worked perfectly 2 days ago, and now it doesnt work at all. I tried different plugs etc and it does the same thing so its not electrical interference problem.