Worst event in career: Milwaukee Metal Fest 2000


Oct 4, 2005
I read this on the unofficial Katatonia site. I'm from Wisconsin and I know the city of Milwaukee sucks but what happened to make this the worst event in career?
Mmm... you should have posted this on the Katatonia forum.

Well, I don't have the answer to your question. But I remembered that the guys from Opeth said the same thing about Milwaukee being the worst event on their career. ( I wanted to look it up but unfortunately, I can't browse the Opeth forum. It isn't working for me now. Fuck.)

It's working now. Let's see...

López: Best event in career: Milwaukee metalfest -99
Worst event in career: Topeka Kansas (41 people in the audience)

Lindgren: Best event in career: The Milwaukee Metal Fest 2000 (realizing that we've got great fans in the US)
Worst event in career: The Milwaukee Metal Fest 2000 (the circumstances were awful.)

My bad.