Worst fucking mood ever

Morbid Florist

New Metal Member
Sep 5, 2004
Today I was at my mates party, and I got there really early, and Samantha and Sophie were the only ones there, and Sam was like full cracking on to me, which is cool because I like her as well.

Everything is going cool, we're having a good time, and then Brad turns up. I know he wasn't meaning to, but he was whoring all the attention, and until he was gone, I didnt say a word, mostly because I COULDN'T because Brad wouldn't shut the fuck up.

Before Brad left, my cunt of a mother turned up telling me it was time to go. I kept giving her signals to fuck off, but she just wouldnt. After Brad left, everyone was doing other stuff, so I decided it was best if I got going as well. I went to say goodbye to Samantha, and she looked really bummed out about it, and was like "oh no, youre going?"

I had no other choice but to say yes, because what kind of nob jockey says they're going and then doesn't?

Brad is a pretty good mate of mine, but I am so unbelievably pissed off with him right now.
I didn't even get Samantha's phone number, and seeing as it's school holidays, I won't see her again for another two weeks.
Yeah, that shit sucks. You just gotta go for it man. Hopefully she doesnt meat another guy in those 2 weeks. Who knows, maybe you'll see her at another party? She must know someone you know if she was at your friend's. Im sure you can find a way to contact her. Liking girls sucks :)
^I wonder if he meant "meat" or "meet".

One's funnier than the other.

Anyway yea that does suck Morbid... With any luck she thinks that other guy is an asshat and you don't have anything to worry about.
Yep, not a nice thing to call someone who raised you when she coulda dumped you in the woods to be magpie food. My own mother surely wanted to abandon me to be raised by penguins but didn't.

Listen to some good music to make yourself feel better. Writing about it helps as well. At least you get to see this girl in two weeks. I don't know when I'm going to see any of my friends...
Opus(sy)2 said:
aaaaaaaah now i understand. :)

The 'c' word is a term of endearment in England is it not?

Only joking people call each other it all the time here as well. I am sure the North Americans find it shocking.
Tye said:
The 'c' word is a term of endearment in England is it not?

Only joking people call each other it all the time here as well. I am sure the North Americans find it shocking.

;) Thats very true, the English do seem to swear a lot...especially northerners.
I was told you could get in lots of trouble for saying that word in front of females over there. Maybe it depends on the locaction?