WORST Nirvana Cover EVER!- Smells like Teen Spirit

I'm a very polite guy, and rarely you'll see bashing me or something, but after seeing this.. god I feel bad for them :p
I don't like Nirvana, and I never listened to any of their songs lol

but this... holy fuck...
I honestly wasn't able to laugh at that. At all. It just made me nauseous. I'll be amazed if I ever hear a worse cover ever again. By anyone. Ever.
Check this out: Nirvana fans will want to kill themselves:
YouTube - Worst Cover of Nirvana ever....

Thanks for the lulz.


That dude needs to get shot.
jesus christ that made my fucking ears bleed. It would seem as though none of them know anything about music, especially time (the singer came in almost a whole measure early for one of the choruses). Also that little shit playing the guitar just stopped playing a good minute or so before the song ended (fortunately).
i thought that you would talk abouth the tori amos cover
well, can't wait something good if the cover is of nirvana