WOTE & Darker Half gig reviewed


The Good Doctor
Jul 26, 2004
ok ok... i've got some time.... but i'm probably not the best one to do this. I can't remember too much from the gig. I was quite pissed and stoned (Only cause the contract DIDN'T allow any drugs and alcohol)..... anyways...

What a bad start to what was going to be a great journey... Our factory where the bands jam got broken into the night before the gig. An effects pedal went missing along with 2 guitars... The worst thing that could've happened before a gig... We said "Fuck it" we had like 8 guitars all up and even though it sucked having 2 main guitars stolen we kept on truckin', We had a gig to play....

Darker Half had to play in Woolongong that night. It was meant to be a 30 minutes set for each band. The first band up was Yellow Bird. A failry big band around Kiama, not too bad. Not metal, but not bad... anyway... about 8 people showed up, how fuckin exciting. Darker Half didn't give a fuck. They played their original set and the 8 people there went nuts. The sound guy had to be a metal head. He just kept telling the boyd to keep playing. Their set was filled with songs like... Master of puppets, four horsemen, Iron maiden (the song), Sepultura - Territory. Probably more Maiden too, I can't really remember... So they ended up playing for like an hour and 50 minutes, fucking sweet.

ohh yeh... Accomodation problems.... We called some place about a week before the gig (yes, bad idea) and we organised a place all sweet. A nice house with a pool and a spa for 3 days for $600. Yeh, it was awesome until the night before the gig the slut calls us to say, "ohh, we've decided we're going to make it more expensive, it's now $1300". WHAT THE FUCK!! Fuck this slut. She didn't even tell us why.... So that night after the gig the boys had to sleep in the cars. Luckily enough we had a mate from Kiama who hooked us up with a garage to store our equipment.

The next day the boys had to get Way Of The Extreme from the station, well WOTE's better half anyway (Me). The rest comin up by car the next day (The 16th, date of the gig).
We still couldn't find a place to sleep. About 30 places refused, lousy shit!! So we just crashed out in the cars again.... There's something about smoking bongs all night at the beach in your car. It's quite the odd feeling, especially if you can't get anysleep because of how uncomfortable the car was. Bongs didn't help either....

The next day we got up and got our shit to the venue, set-up the drum kits, tuned all the guitars... then went out for more bongs.... Gotta love your bongs.
The place didn't look too bad and a few people turned up, at least more then 8. There was at least 60 people this time but they got into it. The first 2 bands up were... yeh pretty shit. 3ID (3 inch dissapointment) and Laceration. Laceration were cool guys and tried to play some good metal but just couldn't cut it. Awesome drummer though (We later became friends with this band and they're hooking us up more gigs around Kiama). The croud wasn't too rowdy by this point, just havin a bit of a jusp around... Next band up, Darker Half. These guys have a bit of a following in Kiama from our last gig (that actually never happened) We played the DH demo at the BMX comp and everyone went nuts. ABout 50 demos got taken within about 30 seconds. That, plus the Metal atmosphere these guys were creating sparked the croud and they went nuts before the mics were even turned on. Huge ass 7 piece kits with about 7 cymbols on this tiny stage plus all the amps.... BOUST!! The croud loved it (This punk Vs Metal gig was clearly on metals side). The band before Dh broke a string and decided to call it quits 15 minutes early so the sound guy decided to have a smoke and a chat, fair enough. The boys were setup pretty damn quickly but this sound guy still hadn't finished his smoke... BASTARD!! I wen't out and said to the guy, i said... "Hey man, They're ready" He looks at his watch and sayd "Already? I still have 15 minuts" "Fuck that shit, get back to your post and start this gig up".... The mics got turned on and Darker Half begun. They opened with my favourite of their songs, Head Are Gonna Roll (Its about the french Revolution). The crowd fucking loved it! They played through all of their songs and the sound guy said they could have more time because the last band left early... They decided to play master of puppets... Fucking awesome shit... The crowd went apeshit. Crowd surfing and stage diving (I guess thats what u could call it) licking the lead guitarist/singers guitar and grabbing him and shit (as if he were already an awesome famous guitarist). Played some more Maiden and Sepultura (Meantime during the last 5 minutes. I'm in the car smoking cones and sculling 2 UDL's). They end the gig with a great success.

Way Of The Extreme was a gig 4 years in the making... We never thought we'd find a drummer good enough to play Kill Klown (Check the Nospono downloads section, or look on the right of the main page). Well I found 1, and the cunt is 15! He is a better bassist and guitarist then all the members in the band. And he has a cute bum.... hehe, just kidding. And as for our rhythm guitarist... We had 2 jams about 1 week before the gig and he felt he was ready. He was good. Sir Tubalot is his name... He had a long sleeve, tuxcedo shirt, a chef hat and a plastic sword in one of them holster things for swords... idiot... Well... we got up on stage and got our shit started.
We make our band look serious for the first 3 songs. Well not look but the music is. I can't help pulling stoopid faces and batting off my guitar. And you can't look serious when you have some 1 with a chef hat a sword, pulling it out every gap he could find.... The crowd enjoyed us for the firsts few songs. Getting into the mosh and having a go (Kinda hard to top Darker Half, not an easy thing to do). They even helped me play a solo... I'm not the best guitarist in the world but I try... I've made something up called "gibberish Solos" Where I start a solo in the root possition and end it on a note that sounds right... but between in doing fucking anything and everything. Gibberish! Well the crowd helped me play 1 or 2 of them... Then the slower songs came out... Alfonz likes you, Ecoustic Madness and borange. Most of the people who knew us couldn't handle standing up they were laughing that much. Most people got chairs or sat on the floor. Fuck that made me laugh. We walked out into the crowd and gave eachother guitar bum fucks. It was quite fun. The girls were disgusted at Alfonz Likes You. I dedicated it to them and they seemed happy, and the tune that its starts with is so happy and nice... Then I tell them I have a big penis and spoil the moment.... It was quite fun.... We even played a song where the only chords we played were F-A-G-G in the progression... Fun, that was when we guitar ass fucked... hmmm.... We ended with our most famous song and by far the hardest song in all the world to play... HUNT, DOG, MURDER!!! Damn sloppy, I was so fucked by that point but the crowd loved it and thats all that matters. I forgot the lyrics so i just started saying things I wasn't aloud to say (according to the contract) So I started singing shit like, I forget the words, Because I am real stoned, I want another bong HUNT DOG MURDER!! and we weren't aloud to say cunt so that of course came out.

We then ended our gig and packed our shit up. We got numbers from about 3 different managers saying that they are going to organise gigs for us and gave us some numbers and emails. The guy who organised the gig for us said he has about 3 more coming. Infact, we told him to organise getting people to the gigs and advertising and we'll organise the bands. He said the next gig usually gets around 200 people and we'll get paid better. (we weren't supposted to get paid but he loved us too much). Yellow Bird's manager and bass guitarist have helped us get more gigs. No dates or anything yet but there's lots to come. Also C.O.G's manager got in contact with out drummer's dad (who is also their promoter) to ask wether Darker Half were ready to back them up. So there's another gig.

Well we left that place and went to the camp yard i forgot to mention we got. We smoked bongs and drunk piss till we were pissed drunk cocks then passed out till we had to leave the camp site. we just left there and came right back to Sydney.... Not a bad weekend.

There's some pictures of the gigs at these sites (Petey better fucking updated the WOTE one today. Ill kill his ass)

Way Of The Extreme


Darker Half

Ok thats what I can remember. Thanks for reading. Hopefully one day some of our bands will meet and we can have some gigs together. gigs are good...

Once again, thanks for reading....

Peace my metal brothers

The Good Doctor