Would anyone be interested in...

Mr. Hyde

Guitar, Bass
Apr 27, 2001
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I was wondering if anyone would be interested in having a thread where we tab out some of our favorite guitar, or bass licks and share them with each other. It could be a single lick or a short piece with a few licks.

It would be cool if we could include audio somehow. It wouldn't have to be really high qaulity audio just good enough to hear the timing etc...

Good idea?

What do you guys think?
I am quite familiar with using ptab..as I completely tabbed out Murders in the Rue Morge and The Tower...and a couple others I think. Maybe I'll start with 'eugene's trick bag'...so you guys can try for yourself. Great exercise in 'shredding guitar'.

I'd have to start out with "Three Blind Mice" and work my way up to "Row, row, row your boat"! I'm awful with TAB/notation. I sort of have my own system for scribbling out little chord charts for songs, and that's all I've ever used. I should work on that though, because being able to read TAB and notation quickly is a valuable skill for learning new things. :cool:
I have formal music training..so its rather easy for me. But EC..you should try PTab..or one of the other tabbing programs. You can start to tab it, in tablature format, and it will both convert it to standard musical notation for you AND allow you to play it back via midi .. so you can hear for yourself what you wrote..and make adjustments when you hear something is off.
Originally posted by rabies
I have formal music training..so its rather easy for me. But EC..you should try PTab..or one of the other tabbing programs. You can start to tab it, in tablature format, and it will both convert it to standard musical notation for you AND allow you to play it back via midi .. so you can hear for yourself what you wrote..and make adjustments when you hear something is off.

I'll check that out, thanks Rabs. :)
Ok, I created some tab of a few licks of the intro solo to The Sails of Sharon by the Scorpions using notepad and a small audio clip of me playing it. I tried to copy and paste the tab on here but the formatting was messed up and I couldn't fix it.

I put the tab and audio clip in a compressed folder so it's really small. I can email it to you if you want to check it out.