Would Dan win American Idol???


The Eighth Enocian Key
I think this is a valid question for discussion on UltimateMetal.com.

If Dan had poor taste in music, wore graphic T-shirts and jeans with holes in them, and had a fo-hawk hairdo, would he win American Idol? We all know he can sing like the dickens... but would he win over the voters? Would American Teenagers swoon??

I think the answer is Yes to all.
Well here in Germany, it would matter if he can move good on stage. A good voice is just a bonus ;)
Also in Germany the age limit is 30.

But anyway, my answer is FUCKIN' YES!
He is too good for American Idol.i doubt that a lot of people would understand his talent and brilliant mind.Beside i wouldnt like someone like swano wins that stupid competition.