Would Sensory sponsor a small tour?

Soul of Ice

Rusted Angel
Jul 29, 2002
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Or should I say would Ken sponsor a small tour? I wish to see the band so badly, but I cannot afford to take planes or go great lengths. If yes...how bout a show in NYC during the summertime? Eh? I would finally be able to see the band that makes all of this music I love.

One day I will see Zero Hour perform live.
A East and West Coast tour is not out of the question at all. I do think it's possible but we need to have good bands on the bill to help bring a better
draw. Once the Zero Hour disc is finished we will dive in to playing shows. The problem is we won't be ready till 2005 to do shows I feel. Erik has a good jump on the songs now, songs 1-4 have vocals on it. Everything should be done this summer and then it's up to the label when thry get it mastered, promoted and out to stores. We would be very interested in playing a show in NYC.

YOU RULE and thanks for the post.

If the right opportunity presented itself there is no reason that ZH or DM can't go on tour. There seems to be a misconception that we are financially handicapped in some way which isn't the case at all. Obviously we don't have mega-deep pockets but if the right circumstances presented themselves we can support a tour. Unfortunately it doesn't make sense to just "send the guys out on the road" even though we would love to do it. Not in the current enviornment. If we can package the guys with some other bands a mini-tour of the east coast is not out of the question. We will address that scenario with the release of the new album.

Ken Golden

That is awesome that you and Dustin are coming to Ca to see Enchant. That day i'm in Santa Rosa with Dino. I will be getting out of there a little early because Troy is actually coming back from Atlanta Ga and I will pick him up at Oakland airport at 8PM. We will go straight to the show after I pick him up and we'll be looking for you two. Wanted to have lunch with you and Dustin that day but recording is callimg my name that day.

YOU TWO RULE and can't wait to see you two.
