Would the switch be worth it in my case? HDD vs SSD


Señor Member
Jan 24, 2011
To make it short.
I'm on a tight budget, but I want to get the most out of what I got.
I have a PC dedicated to music, so no internetconnection or anything unnecessary..

It's a Intel Pentium 4, 3.0GHz (overclocked to 3.7GHz), 4Gb RAM, Win XP.
3 harddrives: one for OS, one for recording and one for samples/IR'S etc..
Soundcard is M-Audio 1010LT

The drive I have now for the OS, is 200Gb, but since I only have it for OS+Software, I'm only using 12Gb..
So a lot of it is unused..

I can't find better specs than this, for my current HDD.
I've asked around but people are unsure if it's a good idea to switch to this SSD, in terms of speed.

The current HDD (scroll down for the specs):

The SSD I'm thinking of getting:

Would I notice any improvement?

As I said, I've asked around.. but no one is sure.. :S
I will guess that the SSD surely is pretty much more responsive, and you'll feel that your OS is much snappier, even without looking at your actual HDD specs... That's what will improve - general responsiveness. Indeed, response time for audio access to your recordings will not change, but I'm sure you already figured that out. What I'm unsure of is : what do you expect to be faster?
Thanks for the replies, guys!

I guess I'm expecting the overall responses of software/plugins to be faster..
I can't find the read- and writespeed of my current OS HDD.. It's that old...... But I fear the SSD would be a lot slower.. even though it's SSD, the read is 230mb/S and write is 75mb/s.. The better SSD costs ass.. and this one is cheap because it's only 16Gb, I guess.. but it suits my needs.. if the speed is good..
Aaand I can use the current drive to store more shit I don't need!

I use another HDD for recording and mixing etc.. and one for samples and crapfiles..
I'm currently running a similar set up.
60gb SSD - OS, DAW, plugins and my current mixing project (after editing, the bare minimum of files, 5-10GB only).
300gb 10k rpm HDD - All other mixing projects, including current ones I'm editing, drum samples and sample libraries, games.
2TB 5400rpm HDD - downloads, media, backups of mixing projects.
I'm currently running a similar set up.
60gb SSD - OS, DAW, plugins and my current mixing project (after editing, the bare minimum of files, 5-10GB only).
300gb 10k rpm HDD - All other mixing projects, including current ones I'm editing, drum samples and sample libraries, games.
2TB 5400rpm HDD - downloads, media, backups of mixing projects.

And obviously there's no issue with working on the current project on the OS disk?
What's the read/write of your SSD?
I found a better one for cheap, that haaaas to be good.. though it's breaking my budget..
"Corsair SSD Nova Series™ 2, 60GB
SATA2, 2,5", 270MB/240MB/s read/write"

Since I have a internetpc and a musikpc I don't worry with unneccessary crap on the music one, like antivirus, firewalls etc..
The OS is on a 200Gb, My projects are stored on a 300Gb and the samples and unsorted crap is on a 300Gb as well..
I'm running a 7200-rpm 1TB and a 120gb SSD. OS and programs go on the SSD, everything else goes on the HDD. You can expect anything that accesses your hard drive to be faster. NAND-based SSD drives have a limited number of writes, which you may never reach in its use time, but it's something to keep in mind.