My New Daw PC I highly recomend it for anybody


Feb 5, 2010
Cluj Napoca, Romania
Hi i just make my new Daw PC and I am very very happy with, it is incredible powerful and stable yet, and the good thing it s that anybody on the budget side who has 450 Eu can afford it so i share with you my new cheap gear :P
Here are the components:

CPU : CPU AMD Phenom II 955 Quad Core, Socket AM3, 6144K L3, 4X512K L2, 0.045u, 0.875-1.5V, 125W, 64bit (3200 MHz), WOF BOX, Black Edition, Quad CORE, HDZ955FBGIBOX
it is overclocked from 3,2 Ghz to 4 Ghz (easy)
Memory: 8GB (2X DIMM 4GB DDR3 PC10600 KINGSTON (KIT X 2) KVR1333D3N9K2/4G)
HDD: 2XHDD WDigital, 1 TB, 7200rpm, 32Mb, Serial-ATA II 300, WD10EADS, Caviar Green, Perpendicular Magnetic Recording (PMR)
(one dedicated for the Operation system)
Power Suply: Rasurbo silence power 550 (very quiet i cant hear it)
Cheapest case
Graphic Card: NVIDIA Graphics PLUS, GeForce with CUDA 9500GT PCI-Express 1GB DDR2, 128bit, HDTV, Dual DVI

I have to mention that i use external RME Fireface 400 soundcard with it (The Gigabyte motherboard has Texas Instruments Chip so no problem at all)
You have to use 64 bit Operation System to recognise all the 8 Gb DDR3 memory so I use now Windows 7 64 bit version no problem with 32 bit plug ins if you use Cubase 4 32 bit, all my plugins work fine, i work in 24 bit44,1 khz.
Atention i installed my Nuendo 3 to ,but it was very slow and i realized that just one of the four cores of the CPU was in use, so i had to move on
Cubase 4, and now all my four cores are working flawlesly.
yes the i7 beats the Amd for sure :) but its not 3 time faster not 3 time stable , and actualy its 3x or 4x time mor expensive like the AMD. I had 2 CPU s before in My life the first was an AMD 10 years ago still runs fine:) my mother uses for yahoo mess thats what i trust amd no problems at all, the second was an Intel it was ok but at that time my friend bought a 2 x faster amd at the same price not to mention that i dont know why i had a lot of configuration problems, lots of errors, and that thing pissed me off.:P, Remember this is not an AMD vs Intel thread it was my bad experience. i just shared my new gear setup and i recomend it highly for anybody who want to spend around 450 eu on his PC, this configuration works for me with my gear and its rock solid yet.
First i was thinking to buy the new i5 CPU but i read somwhere that they are actualy dual core CPU s and i5 s are still little more expensive than AMD so i picked up at the end this CPU its overclocked from the first day to 4 Ghz works fine,
and no regrets here at all :)
:) i wonder how much you spent on your i7 rig? im glad to, if you are happy with your sistem and if its working fine.
i sad a couple of hours ago that it is not an amd vs intel tread:P i just wanted to share my happyness and my cost effective new rig wich is working fine for me ...and please give respect for those who can t afford expensive products, maybe you can suggest some other better alternatives at this price range (450 eu ) please put it that on the paper .
This is the first PC i've built (for myself) that breached £1000 with ease- like you say, you certainly have to pay a premium for the little extra performance as intel have a monopoly still on the upper market. For the price you built your rig, i'm sure that will be the best "bang for buck" performance DAW you could create : )
Here is a nice comparison chart if anyone is considering buying a cpu today lol. I got a whopping 8600, so sitting just behind gulftown atm. Care to have a crack Lasz? I'd be genuinely interested to see how the overclock on the phenom does.

ok you take it this diagram from this site and this is an AMD vs Intel thread :P i dont know who had the chance to measure all this and make it but once again i dont want to start discussion like which is better :) , my 955 it s working fine at 4Ghz just on air cooling , if you are interested in how it s made take the time and search on google or youtube.

all he wants to see is how your overclock compares to the stock processor benchmarks
i built about the same computer over Christmas and while its not as fast as an i7 when the new amd hex core and bulldozer (the bulldozer is supposed to be a match for intels i nine that comes out later this year) come next year out I can just drop either one in my computer and be completely up to date as theses new proccesers all use the am3 socket along with my curent 955BE while you intel guys will be forced to swap out motherboards as intels hex core will use the 1567 socket instead of the current 1366 socket the i7s use
ok you take it this diagram from this site and this is an AMD vs Intel thread :P i dont know who had the chance to measure all this and make it but once again i dont want to start discussion like which is better :) , my 955 it s working fine at 4Ghz just on air cooling , if you are interested in how it s made take the time and search on google or youtube.

Hey dude, I have no interest in making it such a thread- i'm just interested to see how the chip does at 4ghz :). I know full well already it isnt going to get anywhere near the intels of course.
Sorry man, i am begginner in english:))) , i don t understand wery vell :P, i just don t want to quarrel with anybody :P and i want to avoid it. It is ok the chip but it is a little bit Hot :P, and i read somwhere that the max temp is 60 for this chip so i am thinking on some better cooling fans and radiators.
alan 1990 is right i was thinking this to, next year wen the new CPU ar out i will sell my amd buy the new and put it in ,if it will fit in AM 3 socket (i hope it will :P).