Would you do the extremest manwhore bodomite!

Would you do the Bodomite?

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Your Executioner
Nov 23, 2001
yo mamas ass
I bodomite, supreme master of space and time.... declare that my body and sexual organs are now fair game for all homosapiens. It is no longer necessary to have a Y chromosome para chingarme. All XX Chromosome homosapiens are welcome to enjoy the man that is Bodomite!

Decide your fate mortals
bodomite said:
I bodomite, supreme master of space and time.... declare that my body and sexual organs are now fair game for all homosapiens. It is no longer necessary to have a Y chromosome para chingarme. All XX Chromosome homosapiens are welcome to enjoy the man that is Bodomite!

Decide your fate mortals

them words be legend :headbang: :lol:
Bodomite says:
bastard you would rather drink beer than have me
Bodomite says:
your missin out
Bodomite says:

ok, ok I'd do da bodomite again:heh: