Would you ever compare COB to Wolfmother?


Dead Clowns = Comedy
Dec 14, 2001
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Last week I made the mistake of attending a Wolfmother show - skimmed a few tracks of theirs and agreed that it would be a decent concert to see with a couple friends.

One week later, I had time to make a couple short (and one full) mashups of Wolfmother/other bands' music.

GigaSize.com - The Internet’s fastest file sharing service
password for the rar is "motherwolf"

White Contradiction (mashup of White Unicorn and Greenday's Walking Contradiction)
Hole in the Woman (mashup of Woman and Black Sabbaths Hole in the Sky)
Fairies Drink Pyramid (Pyramid and BS Fairies Wear Boots)

Enjoy, and spread them around.
wtf :zombie: wtf :zombie: wtf :zombie: wtf :zombie: wtf :zombie: wtf :zombie: wtf :zombie: wtf :zombie: wtf :zombie: wtf :zombie: wtf :zombie: wtf :zombie: wtf :zombie: wtf :zombie: wtf :zombie:
Loooool. I like them both, I've never seen COB live, I've seen Opeth (9th December) and it was great but they're style is very different. It's difficult to make a comparison... :)
opeth is kinda sucky live, altough the sound was pretty bad when i saw them, and i dont really like their music either. So CoB was better for me.
DDarkie:LOOOOOOOOLLLLL! Are you serious??????????

Wolfmother sux! I don't like them. You can't compare the two for shit! BUt since everyone is making threads like including me cuz i made one a while back that they sounded like A7X, what else do you think they sound like?
DDarkie:LOOOOOOOOLLLLL! Are you serious??????????

Wolfmother sux! I don't like them. You can't compare the two for shit! BUt since everyone is making threads like including me cuz i made one a while back that they sounded like A7X, what else do you think they sound like?

he was talking about opeth, settle down.
Last week I made the mistake of attending a Wolfmother show - skimmed a few tracks of theirs and agreed that it would be a decent concert to see with a couple friends.

One week later, I had time to make a couple short (and one full) mashups of Wolfmother/other bands' music.

GigaSize.com - The Internet’s fastest file sharing service
password for the rar is "motherwolf"

White Contradiction (mashup of White Unicorn and Greenday's Walking Contradiction)
Hole in the Woman (mashup of Woman and Black Sabbaths Hole in the Sky)
Fairies Drink Pyramid (Pyramid and BS Fairies Wear Boots)

Enjoy, and spread them around.

No, but I would compare them to your mother because she howls like a wolf when I'm fucking her in the ass with a broom handle. :)