Would YOU press charges?

This remind me to of recent case of female teachers having sex with students in USA.

Historically it has been seen that a man forcing a woman into sex is rape but not the other way around.

Do I imagine myself at 15, 20, 30 or 40 complaining because a woman "forced" me into sex? Probably not unless she's carrying a disease or ugly as Dee Snider, and I must say that most men wouldn't complain if a chick "force" them into sex either.

But the fact is that in modern society EQUALITY is defined by equal ruling under the law for the same trangression. So male and female should be measured by the same rule.
As much as I can look at the case and found it ludicrous I support the fact of equal ruling under the law.

NP: Midnight Sun - I Don't Know
What did she look like? And was she any good?
That might determine the outcome...
As for the students gettin' some from their teachers?
That's some fucked up stuff, sure it would be something for the kids at the time, but what's the diference between that and a male trying or getting some from a female student? I think there are a number of these incidents with male student that go unreported... And just what does that say about the adult fucking these kids?!
Hmmm let me think about this one.

Ok if I was a guy and I woke up with some lassie blowing me, I probably would think it was pretty amazing and I definitely don't think I'd press charges, even if she was an ugly cow lol!!!! And even if I was in a relationship, I still wouldn't press charges and I definitely wouldn't tell the girlfriend.

But of course I'm not a guy, so if I woke up on the couch with someone doing something like that to me, I think I'd probably get the fright of my life but if he was good looking with long hair and a NWOBHM fan, then I probably just tell him to carry on AND I WOULDN'T PRESS CHARGES!!!!!
But of course I'm not a guy, so if I woke up on the couch with someone doing something like that to me, I think I'd probably get the fright of my life but if he was good looking with long hair and a NWOBHM fan, then I probably just tell him to carry on AND I WOULDN'T PRESS CHARGES!!!!!

Where were you 20 years ago? :p

NP: Demon - 'The Plague'
Yeah seriously princess_of_the_night2112, where do you live? :lol:

I would press charges.
Rape is illegal. Nuff said.
well, yes it wasnt always considered rape. our law defined rape as forceful penetration upon the victim, and there were much earlier cases dismissed because it was the man who was raped- but by the definition of the law, there was no crime.

i believe there is even a regular law and order episode about this topic.

would i? if she was good looking. if i was in a serious relationship i would no matter what. well, actually any relationship. i wouldnt want to jepoardize either a serious relationship, nor a girls feelings...therefore yes unless i was single and if she was good looking.
"However the man disagrees and says that the incident scared him and subsequently caused mental anguish and psychological difficulties."

LoL i find this difficult to believe.. if these were two adults.. if it caused him mental anguish and psych problems then it's because she was ugly as sin or he's into guys only... :erk:
LoL i find this difficult to believe.. if these were two adults.. if it caused him mental anguish and psych problems then it's because she was ugly as sin or he's into guys only
I feel the same. It's kind of ridiculous to make such a huge deal over this.

If he was actually scarred by the event, it would have to have been going on longer than the few seconds it takes somebody to realize what's going on right when they wake up. And if it did go on for more than ten or seconds, he was obviously allowing her to do so; it's not like one woman could force a blowjob on an unwilling guy.

Secondly, the fact that she was actually sentenced to prison time pisses me off. I assume there were no witnesses because of the two conflicting reports, so why the hell was she convicted on the man's word alone? That's ridiculous.

But even so, there are millions of different variables that could have been involved. None of us can really form a fair judgement from this article alone.
Secondly, the fact that she was actually sentenced to prison time pisses me off. I assume there were no witnesses because of the two conflicting reports, so why the hell was she convicted on the man's word alone? That's ridiculous.

How many man have been convicted on a woman's word alone ???

I look at it a bit different; raping is to me a forced sexual act. It's quit hard for a woman to rape a man , just becouse mostly man are stronger, except is the lady is some kind of pro-wrestler type :lol:
This man when waking up from his , by no doubt, heavenly dream can say the lady to stop immediatly, while that would be quit different as it was a man waking up a lady in this way. She could feel very scared and "raped" indeed. This guy could have been supprised a bit, but if he really has psyche problems with it I guess he's some kinda wimp or Mormon...My guess is that the man got the lady convicted for money only, but as said, we don't know the exact circomstances, so it's hard to judge...

Now wouldn't it be different if he woke up seeing another man giving him a blowjob !! :hypno:
my understanding of the terminology of rape is: sex that is non-consensual eg. one party does not consent prior to the act. end of story. I agree with Wyv on this.
my understanding of the terminology of rape is: sex that is non-consensual eg. one party does not consent prior to the act. end of story. I agree with Wyv on this.

Don't agree with you in this case... she had to be ugly as sin for him to freak like that if indeed he freaked and this is not a case of money... perhaps he was drunk and had agreed to it but when he got sober he realized how ugly she was and freaked... would this case had existed if it was a porn star looking chick who had woken him up instead? ... I doubt it...
The more I think about this wee story, the more insane its starting to sound. I seriously doubt there would be many guys pressing charges even if she was an ugly old hag. I mean, I might be totally wrong here, but I would have thought any guy would love getting a BJ from any female, no matter how ugly, how wrinkly, how totally freakin hideous she was. If she was totally repellent, yeah I supposed you would get a wee fright hahaha but after the shock of her ugliness, I'm sure most guys would just close their eyes and ENJOY IT:)
Consider this: She had AIDs.
It was rape. Keep your sexual fantasies to yourself.
There is no way to justify rape.
Consider this: She had AIDs.
It was rape. Keep your sexual fantasies to yourself.
There is no way to justify rape.

Scary notion, AIDS changed indeed the face of sexuality. When I was a teen trying to get laid (unsuccesfully of course) the worst we were scared of was syphilis and gonorrhea...and one penicillin shot was enough to solve it :ill:

NP: Death Row - 'Dark Tales'
Its funny to look at it this way: I have no interest of ever having relations with anyone, just grew up that way I guess. As such, I can see all of the reasons why it shouldn't be done...

On the other hand, the "normal people" who want to "do it" like rabbits don't think of such things at first, and they'd just lay there while a "mystery woman" infected them with who-knows-what.

It can probably be narrowed down to a person's upbringing; a person like me is turned away from relations because of what I've witnessed, and the ongoing struggles of divorce that can tear a whole family apart. Also I got teased too much. And what kind of woman would do "that act" to a random person just out of the blue? That makes no sense to me, but I can almost guarantee you it had something to do with how the parents brought her up. And you guys who would allow her to do that, your parents haven't teased you enough I guess. :lol:

In all seriousness though. Stand within a few feet of a woman who hasn't taken a shower that morning. That's enough to keep you off of them. Gag-worthy. :(