Would you use a condom that I made out of JELLYFISH FLESH?


Nov 9, 2001
Think about it, it would not only have incredible strength (wouldn't break- have you ever tried to tear apart a jellyfish???), but it would be made of 96-97% water, and would have incredible natural lubrication on both the inside and outside, enhancing pleasure for all involved.

What's more, you could get a special line of these condoms that come with the tentacles still attached (but the stingers removed.. uhm, unless you're all S&M)... and the wearer of the condom would be able to mentally manipulate what the tentacles do!
this thread takes on a whole new level of meaning because one of my dad's many nicknames for me is jellyfish because i am so pale and my veins are so visible. ew.
every time someone has mentioned jellyfish in the past few years, my mind has helplessly and guiltily turned to the JELLYFISH TRAP toby and i made when we were younger, and wondering if some poor sap ever hit it.
haha yeah i forgot about that part! i wonder if any of them remember it?

my memory is so shot, i'm eternally thinking that stuff i dreamed or thought about was real. like the librarian-lectures-about-Count-Dooku scene in Attack of the Clones I was telling you about...I was sure I had seen it on Paul's DVD, but in truth I had just read the script, 'cause they never filmed it at all.
The Onion's HOLY SHIT ATTACK ON AMERICA issue included a pretty vivid description of Mohamed Atta being used as a condom in Hell by some huge fiery thorn-dicked demon. Do you really want to subject a jellyfish to that torment?