Wow. I found a new band! Evanescence!

I was hooked up the whole album and all I can say is this is by far the best album of the year for me, and it will be hard to dethrone it for album of the year for me. Only nevermore has the chance at doing that. I will soon be doing a detailed review, so look forward to that :)
Yeah. I was actually on some pain killers when I made this post. I'm back now. And I was totally off. LMAO. Oh well...but I still love their music. Female-fronted metal bands are few and GOOD ones are even fewer. I welcome them.
markgugs said:
Is it the only album you own? ;)

Am I slow? i dont get it.

oh well i will just assume its an insult and retaliate

Fuck YOu! I will beat you until you beg for mercy, but I will not give it. Muah ahahhaha

ps on the record, i own too many cds. it has made me poor :erk: