
xfer said:
i saw Iron Maiden at a pretty small venue in like 1997 (with Fear Factory)...Greg, was that Avalon?

they were cool, but i see what you mean about some shows requiring the theatrics...just not my kind of thing, i guess.
i saw that tour- wasn't that with that guy blaze bailey? they played a small venue in chicago too (the vic) and fear factory were kind of decent live.

the other time i saw maiden was the fear of the dark tour w/ COC & testament at a big outdoor venue
hah yeah! that was the first show i've ever seen where the dudes all run to the back of the stage, look at each other, and then charge up to the front and stop at the edge with their backs to each other and start ripping away on their guitars!

might have been better on an arena stage, but still: awesome.