Writers wanted


Ryan Knol
Jan 15, 2003
NS Canada
Loud Magazine is looking for writers. there is no pay at the moment but ther may be in the future, if you are a good writer. email me or go to my site and find the contact info.
well, its not only metal, if someone wanted to do a review of some punk then i would probably post it. it all has to fit with the whole Loud thing. im not going to post anything that is played on the radio or is on tv 24/7 and yes you can/will get promos. first off you can request them yourself from different bands and get them sent directly to you. but the bigger name promos that are sent to me will get sent out to the staff members that put the most into the magazine. if bill does 2 reviews a week and ted does 10, im going to give ted the promos.
Ah, fuck it. I'm too lazy for that. Maybe if you arranged an interview with Fenriz from Darkthrone or that psyco Lutinen from Impaled Nazarene... :D