Writhen - clawing out of hardcore california


Writhen Vocalist
Jul 30, 2005
Hello, I'm a fairly new member here (infact this is my first post). :)

I am a singer from a melodic death metal band Writhen. Melodic death metal is actualy a part of our description, we're probably more thrash than anything, but sertain themes (growling vocals and leading melodies) seem to outline our thrash feel.

As the title suggests, we are from california... and yes it's incredibly hot here at the moment. And once again, california is plagued by hardcore scene... which is unnerving to a point that people will walk around saying that they don't like solos. Maybe it's just where we live. But lately the metal scene has been coming back, rather strongly.

Anyways, if you guys want to check out our stuff go to our website:
The only good download on the site is "Wait to Die". The other, old, demo is rather horrible, and our sound changed a lot from them. And we're still waiting for the final master of the new demo, hope it'll be in fairly soon.

or our Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/writhenmetal
We have the new song from our demo up, but since we don't have the actual mastered version, we only have the very rough recording of it.

Well hopefully you guys like us, but either way it's nice to be a member here :)