Writing a Melo-Black/Melo-Death Cross


Mar 7, 2005
Right, the title says what I'm trying to do. So, getting right to the point.

1) Do you think it's possible?

2) I'm having some troubles coming up with the keyboard stuff that's ever so apparent in Black Metal (I love it). The atmosphere is just so great when you have that, but I'm just not getting how to write it. Any tips? Any specific chords/scales? Any help at all?

Thanks for any help in advance,
I don't think I can help to much cause I don't listen to a lot of black metal but I'm sure it's possible just keep trying and you'll get it.
I love Dissection, that's one of the bands that I'm basing this off of. What do you mean take the keys out?

THe problem is, I can't find any of their tabs with keyboards :P
Why not just make the kind of music you want to make instead of worrying what specific genres it fits in?

But yeah, definitely write in minor keys, other than that, I don't think there's a set formula for doing atmospherics.
Umm...because I want to write a melo-death/melo-black cross :P

No set formula you say? Hmm, then why does most of the stuff I do sound like shit?
The atmosphere on SOTLB has a lot to do with the very cold production. As for combining these two styles of music I think it's possible, but I think you should just play what comes natural instead of trying to piece two genres together for the hell of it.