writing papers


love is the answer
Nov 12, 2002
Belgrade, Serbia
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am I the only one who cannot do any kind of schoolwork unless there are 2-3 hours before it's due???

It's totally nerve racking during those final hours but it's the only way I can work...

I think if I started weeks ago it would come out like shit.
I do the same thing. No matter how much I tell myself I'll start early next time, I never do. And it always works out fine in the end, so I just don't worry about it. I guess the added motivation of nearing the deadline provides inspiration.
in college i never started a paper until the night before. even those final papers that they gave you the assigment for during the first week of class. i was a total jerkoff like that. i can't operate without pressure.
Azal, I definitely agree that browsing/posting here has become an integral part of my working process. It keeps me sane....or something like that.
while I usually try not to leave stuff until the last minute, I am a person who will say 'fuck it' to a seemingly impossible task that I procrastinated on and will just blow it off. stay up all night writing that paper due tomorrow? fuck that, I rather get a good night's sleep.

I think this picture has been used before, but it still represents the highest quality boo-yaa available on the web.
I do too, kinda, but I learned more in one summer of reading Middle East history books and journals than I could've learned in two semesters of Middle Eastern studies classes. Same with structural linguistics. And the works of Nabokov. And...you get the point.
Originally posted by the_preppy
in college i never started a paper until the night before. even those final papers that they gave you the assigment for during the first week of class. i was a total jerkoff like that. i can't operate without pressure.
ditto. with a week before classes ended i had a paper and a term assignment to do, with both due on the last day of class. i had the entire term to do the assignment. i wrote the paper over the couple days before it was due. then instead of starting the assignment i went out to the bar down the street. i had a conversation with some guy about the influences on welles that are show in citizen kane, then played some pool, and then spent the next couple drunken hours discussing the inherent difference between criminal master minds and super villians with by best friend, in order to come up with concrete definitions of said character types (except after a while the people we analyzed were not even criminals/villians. eg. Ghandhi [both of them], Don Cherry, all the characters off Adult Swim cartoons, etc.). then afterwards i got high, watched Fubar, slept about three hours, woke up at eight, played some tunes, woke up christina, and we started the assignment at about ten (it was due at two). she analyzed one text, i analyzed the other, and then we just copied eachothers answers. plus, i we analyzed a fifth of our texts and multiplied by five. so instead of taking thirty hours we finished it in three. then we smoked up before class, handed in our assignments, and sat in class stoned for an hour while the prof went on about information structure in discourse. sometimes i don't know how i even pass.

i have the same complex for studying. immediate example > i have 50% final tomorrow in 'modern english syntax.' classes ended a week ago. much time allotted for studying. actual studying done = 0. at present on interboard typing out message. my laziness precludes me, but i'm content, and my marks are good.......so meh.
Same here. Took 2 exams today: Jazz (easy as crap, i think i got a 105 in 15 minutes) and physics (not easy at all, took me 3.5 hours, but i think i did really well). I've had since last Friday to look at stuff, and ended up going without picking up a book for the past 4 days. I never learned how to study in high school, and still haven't learned in college. I always do better if i just wing it anyway.