Tard Roommate

Is my roommate a tool?

  • He sure sounds like it.

    Votes: 8 100.0%
  • No, I think you're overreacting to something that wasn't his fault. Cut him some slack.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
I am cross-posting this with my LJ and such because it's in the forefront of my mind.

Met a girl at a bar in NYC a couple of weeks ago. She came up this weekend to look at BU for grad school. We hung out on Saturday, watched DVDs in my room, ventured out for dinner, etc etc. She had to work at 10:00am Sunday, so she left in a cab to South Station at about 2am to catch a bus back in time for work. I stayed awake another hour or so in case she called, then went to sleep.

Last night I found out she DID call. Multiple times. The bus didn't leave for many hours and she needed my address so she could come back and get some sleep. Apparently, my newest roommate had snuck onto AOL, unplugging our phone line, and screwed around for hours. Leaving the girl at the bus station for six more hours before she went back to NY.

Now, I mean, I didn't explicitly tell the kid to keep the phone free for the next hour, or anything. But we have cable modem service, which we got expressly so that we wouldn't have our ground line tied up at any time, and he simply "can't figure it out" (his computer is sucky enough I wonder if he can even make it work with cable, but he won't call tech support for help because he doesn't want to deal with them).

That's pretty lame of the dude, but not completely his fault. He's still a retard for not being able to figure out how to set up cable for his computer though.
Well, he didn't know, exactly. I didn't think I needed to tell anyone, since no one's supposed to be using the phone line for the Internet.

I think he could figure it out, but he's honestly just too lazy to call and put in the effort.
haha he would be hilarious in bumfights!

i'll post his picture when i get home from work.

P.S. he was in a FRAT in college. we didn't find this out until after he moved in.
we might not have. the way it came out was funny, too...i regularly verbally disparage frat guys, or tell stories where i'm like "..and he was DUMBER THAN A FRAT BOY hahaha!", and after this kid moved in i must've done that dozens of times. my other roommate grant was sitting in front of the TV one day and saw some commercial featuring a cheerful frat (who were suspiciously not date-raping drunk girls, but instead driving around in a Kia or something), and he just uttered, with pure hate in his voice, "I fuckin' HATE frats." i was all "hear hear, but you know that already!". then this new roommate kid lifts his head and is like "hey lisa (my other OTHER roommate), were you in a sorority or anything?" and she was like "PFF AS IF! hahha fuck no!" it's quiet for like five seconds and then he goes, "I was in a frat. it was fun." i felt bad for a little while, but not for too long.
OK, here he is:


One of the people who lives in my house Photoshopped his body away, but he actually doesn't look too different.
I have met this kid and dislike him. And actually i disliked him from the getgo because i woud call and he wouldn't give my messages to alex, and i would later be like "why the fuck didn't you call me back!"

Funnily, I remember alex defending this kid for some reason, but alex has since changed his tune.