
Nov 8, 2001
New York City

So I just got back from a weekend in NYC and apparently TARD ROOMMATE went on a date! A second date! I heard all about it from my roomie's boyfriend...

Where did he meet this girl?? Well, apparently, they met IN THE HOSPITAL, which is where he went after that "did-he-try-to-commit-suicide?" episode some weeks back (see earlier TARD ROOMMATE threads for details, and and ). The suicide-attempt speculation was false, in the end; apparently, he had to go to the hospital because he DID NOTHING FOR TWO WEEKS BUT SIT ON THE COUCH AND SMOKE WEED despite our dissuasions; combined with all the prescription drugs he's on, this made him too lethargic to even take care of himself, so they had to send him to weed rehab or something.

Where he met a fellow mental patient. Their first date consisted of him going over to her house and watching television with her father and her for three hours. The second, on Friday, involved him going to a cowboy-themed karaoke bar with her father and her father's new girlfriend. "We didn't talk for two hours...I just stared at the back of her head," he told Dan.

This is seriously so weird.
no, he thinks i don't know anything about the hospital, much less that he met her there!

this kid is really in need of company...so this good, i THINK. or maybe it wasn't a 'bad date' to him!
i really feel so sorry for this kid! but maybe if he just fessed up to being al messed up to the people around him, there'd be more of a resolution to his despair.
believe me, there is no shortage of pity for him round here.

i think it would help tremendously if he took responsibility for fucking shit up, and moved to fix it, instead of denying or blaming..."yeah, i'm sorry i parked diagonally and blocked three spots, let me go fix it, i won't do it again" instead of "dan parked bad, so i had to, also". i don't know. he seems to periodically get better, so i have some hope...