WTB 5150-6505

I know a guy that sells a 6505 in pretty good condition for 650$.

I can give you his mail/phone for 30$.

If you're interested tell me ;)
Wow... nice guy. $30 for his contact details?! That's seriously lame, dude.

and on top of that he even had the guts to report this thread.
RandomOne...I hope that was a joke (charging for the contact I mean)...you're only not getting banned cause I give you the benefit of the doubt.
this forum is a community where we help each other out.
asking for money to help someone is lame as fuck and not welcome on this forum
I've got a 5150II I'm asking $600 for... only issue being the green channel's post gain pot was busted off... but still works... and if you're going to send it to voodoo anyway, they can fix that too... its an easy fix, I just don't use the amp at all so I haven't bothered to.

I can take some pics and post them if you are interested.

Let me know.
My singer is looking to unload his 5150II, probably in the $600 range. I jammed on it for about a year and kept very good care of it. Just a bit of damage on the plastic vent corners, I'm gonna see him tomorrow if you're interested, I'll grab some pics.
I have a 5150 sig that I would like to get rid of for 700 OBO. I live in northern Michigan, I would also trade for a 5150II/6505+

If someone takes me up on this amp I'll buy one of those 5150II's off you guys.

Just retubed it with JJ's 6l6GC and 12ax7's one 12au7 for the clean channel which REALLY makes the rhythm useable for clean. The faceplate is gone but I have the logos from it, they were on a piece of plexiglass but it broke and so I'm just running it with the mesh grills. Replaced the plug end with an orange one because the ground prong was broken. Tolex is in pretty good shape, no tears or rips. I can post pictures if anyone is interested.