WTB: Mesa Rec Oversize 4x12 Slanted


Mikey B Nasty
Apr 15, 2008
New York
Been looking for one with V30s in the vicinity of New York, or at least if from someone willing to ship and not cost me an arm and a leg. I just snagged an Engl Invader 150 and want to pair it up with one of these bad boys. Anybody?
Peep craigslist and borrow your Dad's van dude, they're all over the place locally (just make sure to talk to the seller on the phone first so he doesn't turn out to be large and named Tyrone :D)
Yea man I'm actually hoping to head down to the Dirty Jerz tonight to grab one for $600, looks to be in mint condition. May also swing over to Long Island to pick up the Invader if the guy calls me back soon....and yes.....with my dad's van haha. If he does turn out to be larged and named Tyrone then he has gangsta knowledge of tube biasing and that's cool with me. If he poses a threat, don't fear, because the mighty Ant is coming with me. If that isn't enough, he better watch out because I own every Jet Li, Jackie Chan, Donnie Yen, and Tony Jaa film ever made :D (which in a somewhat unrelated note I just got Ong Bak 3 on Blu-ray \m/).