WTF? Anyone from Norway here? Take a look!


knows what you think.
Sep 30, 2002
Can anyone translate this shit for me? Got that from Bergen last summer but I don't understand shit ... I'm kinda curious...



If you need more detailed pics, let me know ...
abyssofdreams said:
well thx! someone told me that it actually is based on a true story... who knows :) but thx anyways

It probably is based on a true story, though I haven't heard
about it before. This is just a way of getting people to their
bar >:eek:) Cool ad if you ask me :eek:)
This is what it says, verbatim(it is quite poorly written, so a few of the expressions are pretty stupid):

In relation to the highly discussed find of a corpse at Hulen(a nightclub in Bergen, I think)various theories and speculations of dubious quality have been presented on the identity of the meager and currently unidentified remains. One of the more fruitful proposals, which says that the remains may be connected to a certain Alfred Koldal, the charity-scientist that mysteriously disappeared some time in the 90`s, has mostly been forgotten due to a lack of fresh ideas and hot leads. Concerning the nature of the connection, and the scientific reason for it, much is diffuse.

The PR administration has had little luck in digging up information about Mr. Koldal, at least of a safe, unambiguous(not to mention well documented)nature. But who should take the blame for the absence of a "The history of Hulen 1969 to present" o.s.? There is no form of court raised for the purpose of deciding this difficult question, not to mention the committee for execution of the long awaited, but oh so undeveloped plan for this kind of work. The struggle for survival has possibly distracted those at all times responsible for other forms of day-to-day documentation other than the financially related, and there aren`t many that can be blamed for this- on the contrary, feting is in its place. This is now declared as Hulens attitude towards this potential twist - Which is about who shot the beast, and why the pelt hasn`t been sold.

On the background of the last months activities, there is reason to say that the Swedish king is dead. Rock`n Roll killed him. Or, as it might also be put: It`s time for biography. How did the remains of what is most probably the remains of Alfred Koldal end up under the floor of Hulen? In short: What happened one night in what we(if we follow the theory mentioned above)must assume was the early nineties that made Koldal wave goodbye to his life(or make death catch up with him)and that in such a characteristic posture? That the human visage was very important to him, is beyond any doubt. The interested but unknowledgeable may refer to "Hot Vinyl", released on its own label in relation to Hulens 20th anniversary in 1989. There exists, in addition to a solid collection of local classic rock, only a general presentation of Koldals scientific work and the philosophy behind it, in addition to relations between certain physical characteristics and alleged corresponding character traits on the carrier, a idea that seems to be the building block in Koldals system.

The presentation is obviously sympathetic to it`s subject, which contributes to confusion with regards to it`s neutrality, and the complete lack of historical/biographical facts(Koldals theories are presented as timeless)concerning the scientist himself, in addition to contextualizing of the research in scientific regards, makes qualified guesses around cause of death and such impossible. There are still frequent disagreements about whether Koldal frequented Hulen at all, and also about who first presented the allegation that it happened to be Koldal that was found by intimidated and probably drunk participants in the hopefully annal summer-tournament in indoors mountain golf. Does anyone remember who struck the lucky miss, tore up the floor and revealed the sensational artifacts, for the time being observable in a suitable glass counter in the legendary, newly restored bar? Many loose threads are in a need of being found, before the work of gathering them is to be done. Hulen hereby invites all of Bergens student population to participate in the search for information, in addition to gathering and distribution of this. Inspiration can be found in Olav Ryes Vei 48 every weekend autumn-semester 2002, and will be, with the help of good friends and luck, still be available on the same place in the imminent future.

*Phew* You owe me one. That took a while.
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