WTF is going on with Ebay??


God Of Emptiness
Nov 29, 2002
Second left after Wal-Mart
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I've kinda been away from it for a while but how is it that in the last 2 seconds of auctions, the prices are jumping up by $100 or more? I should have won 4 in the last 3 days based on pure auction ninja skill, but have been slammed by some abnormal numbers flying up before I can get a refresh.

Is there some new voodoo that ebay has implemented allowing high-powered bidders to put the wtfpwn on penniless paupers like myself? I am beyond furious as I could have almost completed a vinyl collection with this.

The numbers go:

All in the last 2 seconds of the auction... WTF!
Believe it or not it's possible that 5 people wait until there's less than 5 seconds left to bid.

Based on the numbers you maximum bid was 24, then another bid 35...then another had 40 then you had 2 crazy ones that bid 142 and the other bid more so he ended up getting the item. But it only takes 2 crazy bidder to really make an auction go very high in a matter of seconds.
I entered a bid at 14 seconds then counted down to 5 in my head and confirmed it. It said I was winning, I hit refresh, and the auction was over and the price had jumped $110.00. Got me twice in a row last night and twice on Friday night. Same crap.

I was trying to finish my Dead Can Dance vinyl collection.

I guess I don't understand how it went from 40 to $140 without the middle steps. I've never seen it blaze to someone's maximum bid without "walking" up.
I guess I don't understand how it went from 40 to $140 without the middle steps. I've never seen it blaze to someone's maximum bid without "walking" up.

Like I said before it's easy. It takes only 2 crazy bidders.

When you bid you enter your maximum bid. So if crazy bidder A bid 140 and crazy bidder B bids's going to show exactly what you saw there.

B will win because his maximum bid was higher and it will surpass A by the lowest amount possible. So B wins with a final bid of 50 cents more.
It's called sniping, and in many cases it can help keep the price reasonable. But as has been said, it only takes 2 maniacs to get a price very high. Don't blame eBay, it's the bidders.

There are services that will place bids for you. I use one sometimes, especially if I will not be there at the end.
yeah, as ack said. there are sites/programs that will place a last second max bid on your behalf
Yeah I guess I just got pwnt but why the hell would anyone pay that for these records? They're not all that rare. I would have thought maybe $35 because they were in mint condition. With two insane bidders at that price, it seems someone knows something I don't.

I'll have to work on my sniping skills but I was sure the last 5 seconds was plenty :(
What bank? I had TD Banknorth for a savings account but switched to Bank of America when I turned 18 to set up checking.
I used to eBay alot, until my PayPal account got hacked and now they have told me my SS# is wrong and basically stopped trying to get it back. Going through my mom to buy shit is just fucking annoynig
I'm trying to get a paypal set up through a savings account, but it's complicated. Not too important, though, because right now I'm saving for a guitar and thus don't need a source of cheap stuff.