Yea it was like FUuuuuuuuuuuck, im here posting on UM having a sandwich, i turn around and holy shit....its just pissing down hard, i look to the front of my garage in 15 minutes its pooled up to inside the door AGAIN.
then my wife wondered why i bought the 10 gallon shop vac.
This time im getting even with nature, i can't help someone else's construction fuckups,,,,but i can dig myself a sump to pump nature's fury elsewhere...
Too bad Dave. In Northern Ireland its been fucking excellent all week. And just to piss you off, I'VE BEEN OFF ALL WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wanna see me tan?
Too bad Dave. In Northern Ireland its been fucking excellent all week. And just to piss you off, I'VE BEEN OFF ALL WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wanna see me tan?