WTF Man !!!! Sunny 10 minutes ago, i look up and now its dark.


Dec 6, 2005
:OMG: im getting deluged here at the house, and once again i know the garage floor gets over run with water. :waah:
Yea it was like FUuuuuuuuuuuck, im here posting on UM having a sandwich, i turn around and holy shit....its just pissing down hard, i look to the front of my garage in 15 minutes its pooled up to inside the door AGAIN.

then my wife wondered why i bought the 10 gallon shop vac.

This time im getting even with nature, i can't help someone else's construction fuckups,,,,but i can dig myself a sump to pump nature's fury elsewhere...:)
You obviously never been to Melbourne? The four seasons in 1 day city ;)
Ya most of ya in Cali fall into the two season format.

Wet and Cold....Dry and Hot.
Ulster Mosher said:
Too bad Dave. In Northern Ireland its been fucking excellent all week. And just to piss you off, I'VE BEEN OFF ALL WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wanna see me tan? ;)

Yeah thanx for that Col, thats made me feel a whole lot better. Its fecking pissing it down today :waah: