Wtf No Toronto!!???!!!?!?!?!?!?!?


Mar 30, 2003
Toronto Canada
On the main nfws we see the presented tour dates for North America and me, being a torontonian, look forward to being able to see Anthrax live in concert, for last year when they were supposed to come the dropped and left us with Judas... The only Canadian date is Montreal, WTF.... PLEASE COME TO TORONTO!!!!! WE NEED YOU!!!!!!

i think u people in canada will be fine,i am more worried about them coming to australia,they did not tour here for sown or volume,if they dont tour here this time i will be very pissed off!
stop your bitching, I see nothing anywhere near me in arizona yet I remain patient.

charlie can't do anything about it. when you are more than just a little band that has to set up your own tours, it is done by the higher up people. Charlie didn't even see what cities are on the tour list.
Hey, any of you fellow boarders coming to Montreal to see 'Trax ? Maybe we can organize a li'l ole fashioned beerfest umm, I mean, a li'l get-together of Anthrax fans/fellow boarders??? What do ya think?
They'll be back.
They aren't coming to Colorado anytime either... that I know of... but eventually, they'll come for us all.
I can't believe that there's not at least 1 Ontario date?! No Ottawa or Hamilton even? Montreal is a cool city though. Bars open until 4 a.m.! I take road trips at least twice a year there for no reason and it's always a killer time! Now, to take a road trip to Montreal with a purpose? Even better! :rock: :rock: