
OSA Triumvir
Oct 21, 2005


Here are the results of JUDGEMENT DAY AS IT HAPPENS!

1) Cena d. JBL - JBL dominates match. Cena beats JBL via FU
2)Miz/Morrison d. Kane/CM Punk - M/M retains WWE Tag straps
3) Shawn Michaels d. Chris Jericho - HBK pins Jericho. Jericho and HBK shake hands after match. Later, Batista vows to hurt HBK because HBK faked his injury.
4) Micki James d. Melina and the Glamazon in a three-way dance. James pinned Melina via DDT. Glamazon held both James and Melina in a backbreaker at the same time.


Now up: Edge vs. Undertaker for the vacant WWE World Title.

Undertaker def. Edga via countout - Both men beat the hell out of each other. Taker throws Edge into the barricade to win match. GM Vicki Guerrero plays stupid GM trix, and declares World Title still vacant as win was not done via pin or DQ. Taker then tombstoned Edge with Vicki screaming nearby.

MVP is now speaking.

MVP demands a "Top-ten" challenger. Matt Hardy comes out. MVP tells Matt to bring "his" US Title with him. Matt introduces brother Jeff Hardy.

Da Match:

Jeff Hardy Def. MVP

MVP works over Hardy. Hardy misses a swan dive. MVP comes back. gets knocked down. Hardy does a swan dive off the top rope, and pins MVP for the win.

They start talking about the WWE (RAW) Title. Steel cage match between Triple H and Randy Orton.
WWE (RAW) TITLE MATCH: Inside the 15 foot high steel cage.

TRIPLE H def. Randy Orton: Trips retains the WWE (RAW) Title.

Both men kill each other. Randy Orton brings chair into the ring. Nails Trips with it. Orton spends good amount of time trying to get out of rings. Orton was suspended in mid-air outside the cage by Trips headlock. Orton misses a clothesline. Trips drills Orton with steel chair, and ends match with a pedigree into same chair. Trips wins by pinfall.
Thanks for the results!! I wasn't able to watch it.

I wish they would quit using Jericho as a punchbag and give him a real shot.
Stupid Vickie declaring the title vacant. Typical GM b.s.! :rolleyes:
I don't even know who half these people are anymore. But it's nice to see the Undertaker still kicking ass.

Yeah, I was a regular Monday night watcher for many years up until a couple of years ago. Then I realized I was watching out of habit, not because I was enjoying it anymore. I got tired of the same old rehashed crap and lack of innovative thinking, so I tuned out. I keep watching here and there to see if I get interested again, but so far no luck. The only thing I regret is not knowing about all the Ric Flair retirement business, since I guess he and Sean Michaels put on a hell of a show at Wrestlemania, and I missed it. Oh well, that's what DVDs are for.

That's basically why I stopped watching, Ken. It just turned out to be the same old thing, and I lost interest. Not to mention that if it's not a pay-per-view event, 45 minutes are spent where the wrestlers scream at each other, flex, and posture, and the other 15 are spent wrestling. It's just a soap opera with muscles, and I never was a fan of soap operas.
LOL - the three main matches announced so far for the next pay per view:

1. Sean Michaels vs. Batista in a stretcher match

2. John Cena vs. JBL in a first blood match

3. HHH vs. Randy Orton in a last man standing match


1) I see this as a crap match. Plus, I HATE Batista
2) Cena will trickle or JBL will gush
3) THIS has possibilities, but I won't hold my breath.

I love the original ECW days, and FMW out of Japan.
(Some of the indy leagues (ie. ROH) provide a nice balance)

I'm WAY old school when it comes to "sports entertainment" :)
I also couldn't agree more that it's WAYY too much of a circus atmosphere nowadays...
I'm with Ken n' Orb... I use to be DX diehard... ok I've ALWAYS been an HBK fan - good n' bad, bad n' good - so just to have him wrestling again is very kewl for me... but after he really came back, the WWE just tanked...

And I TOTALLY disagree about Batista - not only is this man just f'n HUGE, he's SUCH a nice guy (he's from DC) and come on, that back tat is just flat out kewl... That alone sold me on him the first time I saw him... But holy crap is he a f'n big dude... with a big heart and a great smile - he's one of the good guys (from what I've seen n' heard...)

And yeah, Jericho has been a punching bag for the WWE/ Vince... I like Jericho and he's been getting a raw deal from them for awhile now...

I miss the days of the original UFC... THAT was fighting - who needs rules!?!?! Royce Gracie, Ken Shamrock (preWWE), Olev Taktarov, Marco Rojas, Don Frye, and who could forget Kimo??? Ah the first 3 UFCs were AWESOME...
I'm WAY old school when it comes to "sports entertainment" :) I also couldn't agree more that it's WAYY too much of a circus atmosphere nowadays...

Oh I don't disagree with that, it seems to be a mere shell of it's former self nowadays, I just found the announced matches I mentioned funny with respect to the "Disney" comment.

I've actually been a fan since 1980, in addition to living in Philly and being a part of the old school ECW shows, so I know what that atmosphere was like - where it was about passion and spontaneity over production values and storylines, where the fans were really like another character at all times.

Lack of true competition is really hurting WWE these days as well - love or hate the old WCW, they brought out the best in WWE by forcing them to raise the bar.

ok I've ALWAYS been an HBK fan - good n' bad, bad n' good - so just to have him wrestling again is very kewl for me... but after he really came back, the WWE just tanked...

Yeah, he's always been one of my favorites as well - and to be fair, he's had some downright amazing matches since his return (even if WWE has gone south as a whole). Michaels vs. Angle at Wrestlemania 21 was one of the greatest matches I've ever witnessed.

JenniferLynn said:
And I TOTALLY disagree about Batista - not only is this man just f'n HUGE, he's SUCH a nice guy (he's from DC) and come on, that back tat is just flat out kewl... That alone sold me on him the first time I saw him... But holy crap is he a f'n big dude... with a big heart and a great smile - he's one of the good guys (from what I've seen n' heard...)
He's getting better - but from everything I've heard, he takes his position and status for granted, which has bothered a lot of other wrestlers who work 24/7 to better themselves without ever getting the kind of pushes Batista constantly gets. But he's definitely better now than he was a few years ago.

JenniferLynn said:
And yeah, Jericho has been a punching bag for the WWE/ Vince... I like Jericho and he's been getting a raw deal from them for awhile now...
Agreed 100% - what a waste of an incredible talent. Creative has practically destroyed what should have been an absolutely HUGE return to the business. Fantastic mic skills, great performer, connects with the crowd, what's not to love? His best day in the WWE was his initial debut when he interrupted The Rock in August of 1999 - the fans were absolutely electric. It looked like he was going to get a top push right away but instead was shoved right down to mid-card status shortly afterwards.

The man has paid his dues and deserves a true run with the title.

JenniferLynn said:
I miss the days of the original UFC... THAT was fighting - who needs rules!?!?! Royce Gracie, Ken Shamrock (preWWE), Olev Taktarov, Marco Rojas, Don Frye, and who could forget Kimo??? Ah the first 3 UFCs were AWESOME...
Hell yeah. Don't forget Dan "The Beast" Severn as well.

Oh I don't disagree with that, it seems to be a mere shell of it's former self nowadays, I just found the announced matches I mentioned funny with respect to the "Disney" comment.

I've actually been a fan since 1980, in addition to living in Philly and being a part of the old school ECW shows, so I know what that atmosphere was like - where it was about passion and spontaneity over production values and storylines, where the fans were really like another character at all times.

Lack of true competition is really hurting WWE these days as well - love or hate the old WCW, they brought out the best in WWE by forcing them to raise the bar.


:) Don't worry, Vince will Disney his way out the more hard core matches, and since I was at work, I had no idea what was announced for the next PPV.:lol: I didn't get to see ECW until it started making its way out to Milwaukee, but I agree 100% about the crowd. ROH has the closest semblance to the "old" days. As for Batista, he may be a nice guy, I've never met him, but I despise his "character" and his skill set (or lack of..) Not a fan of the guys who use the same 3 moves in all their matches...:heh:
Definitely a fan of Mickie, she's one of the best female wrestlers they have - I couldn't believe WWE actually planned to give her giant push to Ashley Massero before the controversy about her forced WWE to give the strap to Mickie.
Jason: Yeah, he's always been one of my favorites as well - and to be fair, he's had some downright amazing matches since his return (even if WWE has gone south as a whole). Michaels vs. Angle at Wrestlemania 21 was one of the greatest matches I've ever witnessed.

Greatest matche I ever saw - HBK n' Razor Ramon in a ladder match ( I wanna say it was the first but I could be dead wrong) for the Intercontiental title - that match was AWESOME...

Jason: Agreed 100% - what a waste of an incredible talent. Creative has practically destroyed what should have been an absolutely HUGE return to the business. Fantastic mic skills, great performer, connects with the crowd, what's not to love? His best day in the WWE was his initial debut when he interrupted The Rock in August of 1999 - the fans were absolutely electric. It looked like he was going to get a top push right away but instead was shoved right down to mid-card status shortly afterwards.

we definitely totally agree about Jericho.. and kick ass recall on the Jericho interrupting the Rock - both of them are by far two of my top faves of all time - great personalities; they always had the crowd in the palm of their hand.. Even if they were in a town that didn't like them, they could still work the boo-birds... And I think they liked it - sometimes they'd crack that little smile...

Jason: Hell yeah. Don't forget Dan "The Beast" Severn as well.

How can ya forget Severn!?! That match he had against Royce Gracie was awesome - Severn pummelled him for 90% of the match then WHAMO, arm bar by Gracie... it was THE moment that made me begin to look at the UFC completely differently - size don't mean a thing when it comes to fighting...

the UFC was definitely a different 'monster' then... the fighters were more one skilled fighters and now it's all MMA ~ these guys definitely opened the door for what WEC, Bodog fighting, IFL, etc., has become...

... even tho the rules are a bummer.. hehehe I know, I know gotta protect the fighters... :Smokin: