Strangelight said:Maybe its just being bored of having the same hairstyle for over a decade, and/or tired of combing the knots out of it. Or even sick of being called hippy in the street and treated differently. Its not what you want as you get older like. Interesting topic actually thats never been brought up here. Do you get abuse for the way you look/dress in your hometowns?
before:really looking goodsiderea said:right this longhaired belgian music man got a fringe and mullet
Theres a few knockin about in Dublin. One puts things up his arse and sets them on fire from time to time..Sopel said:wow, i've never seen bald long-haired guy...
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Strangelight said:I want a semi-mullet next.
The only "almost-bold with long hair and it still looks ok"-guy.. well maybe "it fits him good" is better to use *ggg*Achernar said:Devin is God!