www.anathema.rockmetal.art.pl update


maybe this?
Strangelight said:
Maybe its just being bored of having the same hairstyle for over a decade, and/or tired of combing the knots out of it. Or even sick of being called hippy in the street and treated differently. Its not what you want as you get older like. Interesting topic actually thats never been brought up here. Do you get abuse for the way you look/dress in your hometowns?

I got a lot of shit for the way I dressed when I was a teenager,typical nu-metal lyrical inspiration: I looked like a gothy wierdo, so the jocks and the cool kids yelled stuff to me in the halls and everyone thought I was a devil worshipper. I don't get as much torment now because I'm not in with petty teenagers anymore. I still dress in black and wear band shirts. Sometimes I get funny looks from people ; such as the girl who works the counter at the pharmacy, but I think she stares at me because I buy birth control pills and penny candy every time I go in there. Some guys choose not to hit on me at bars and stuff, but I think that's good because that filters out the idiots. :grin:
PY, thanks for the info. i've just corrected it and now everything should be ok. hey people, if yous see any otehr mistakes or errors let me know. it's difficult to have evrything on the site under full control...
Looks good :)
BTW @Sopel: A few years ago I did an interview with Vinnie (during the AFDTE tour). Unfortunatelly it was never published for the guy who was supposed to do a redesign of that webzine still didn't do it
.. If you want I can email it to you..?
I never had long hair but I did receive some death threats for dressing like this on stage:


Some "TRUE" raq black metal fans said i was giving metal a bad image, eheh, who fuckin' cares...

Then, in the next gig (a great one supporting Dark Tranquillity !:rock: ) I used this target on my forehead to help these guys out...

