X-Files when Re-amping Guitars


Auryn Studios
Jan 21, 2010
Basque Country
Hey Guys :S

I tired for trying and trying 1000 solutions to get a re-amp with my gear, but I have a "x-Files" in my chain. The Gear:

- RME Fireface 800
- Universal Audio 610 Solo Preamp
- Radial X-amp

Ok, I will to explain:

When I record directly to the RME, or firts input in UA610 and after to the FF800, by amp or DI (and after by ampsim) I don´t have ANY problem, the track sounds good, all perfect. But when I will to get a reamp, by amp (with Radial X-amp box) or internal by an ampsim, the track sounds without distortion, a little distortion and the high freq. is going up A LOT!!, so....I can do a re-amp without any tracks. Some time ago, Erik ( Dandellium ) helped me and he sent his DI tracks to test here, and the same result, and all tracks coming out from here, equal. I don´t know whats happen, really....I have a DI, a Re-amp Box, Internal ampsim don´t works anyway...and the tracks changes the sounds a lot, without distortion (Krank and Peavey 5150 with the gain to 9 and sounds with a liiiiiiiittle distortion, WTF?, and the amp sims too...)

So....I think that the problem can be in Cubase or RME Fireface 800. Can someone get a solution/ideas for this?

Next step is the suicide :)

Thanks a lot in advance for reading this

Hey Guys :S

I tired for trying and trying 1000 solutions to get a re-amp with my gear, but I have a "x-Files" in my chain. The Gear:

- RME Fireface 800
- Universal Audio 610 Solo Preamp
- Radial X-amp

Ok, I will to explain:

When I record directly to the RME, or firts input in UA610 and after to the FF800, by amp or DI (and after by ampsim) I don´t have ANY problem, the track sounds good, all perfect. But when I will to get a reamp, by amp (with Radial X-amp box) or internal by an ampsim, the track sounds without distortion, a little distortion and the high freq. is going up A LOT!!, so....I can do a re-amp without any tracks. Some time ago, Erik ( Dandellium ) helped me and he sent his DI tracks to test here, and the same result, and all tracks coming out from here, equal. I don´t know whats happen, really....I have a DI, a Re-amp Box, Internal ampsim don´t works anyway...and the tracks changes the sounds a lot, without distortion (Krank and Peavey 5150 with the gain to 9 and sounds with a liiiiiiiittle distortion, WTF?, and the amp sims too...)

So....I think that the problem can be in Cubase or RME Fireface 800. Can someone get a solution/ideas for this?

Next step is the suicide :)

Thanks a lot in advance for reading this



My guesses for the reason in most propable to least propable:

- user error: there might be something that you are doing wrong
- connection: Atleast I had a problem with the RME Multiface and X-amp, weak signal when reamping. The problem was that the output cable wasn't completely in, I had to push a bit more in so that I heard the sound when the tip of the TRS locks in to place.
- cables: what kind of cables do you use in the signalchain? is the RME to X-amp cable balanced? If not, it should be.
- recorded input: Have you tried to record with a DI-box?
- broken gear
here's a couple things to check. sorry if you've already done all this just trying to trouble shoot everything in the chain.

make sure you are using a balanced cable from your daw to the xamp
use the first output of the x-amp(left side) if you are only going to one amp
turn the output gain on the x amp all the way up.
make sure the x amp is plugged in since it is active( haha I've done it!)
also try increasing the gain/fader on your daw di track too.

it sounds like you aren't getting a good level to the amp.

also are you saying that if you put an amp sim plug in on the di track it doesn't work either?
Hey Guys!!

Thanks a lot for your help! :)

Yes, I have used a balanced cables in the chain!!, when recordings directly I don´t have any problem, all sounds good, all sounds with distortion that I have put...the same chain, the same process in the re-amp step and don´t works well. :S

I use Universal Audio solo 610 preamp for the DI´s, and then, go directly to the RME FF800. But when the track comes outside from my chain, can´t reamp the track!!!! :cry: don´t works in a real amp, don´t works in ampsims too...nothing, with X-amp, good cables.


Can be the totalmix problem!!, can you say me, wich may be the problem exactly?


Thanks man!, all steps well, but never have increase the gain/level of the track, I will to try, but I think that is not the problem, because when I have recorded my DI tracks, don´t move the fader and works well, anyway I will to try, I not have nothing to lose :)

also are you saying that if you put an amp sim plug in on the di track it doesn't work either?

Exactly man!!, This is the mooooost strange, with the outside tracks from my studio, can´t work with anything, without amps, ampsims....etc, nothing!! :S, no distortion, the high freq. going up about 13-15db, the low freq. dissapear....

Only can work if the tracks have recorded here.

Thanks a lot for your support !!

Can be the totalmix problem!!, can you say me, wich may be the problem exactly?

I had experiment with similar problem during reamping a couple of month ago.
DI imput loop back through same I/O so I get an out of phase DI.:puke:
Hey guys

I'd like to have more tricks if someone is around ;) It's been a while but I'll chance it!

I actually have the same problem that Triscore and I tried all the solutions exposed here except one: "turn the output gain on the Radial Xamp all the way up". I'm afraid that the signal coming out from the Xamp is too loud for the amp (I use an Engl Savage 120) and I think I'll get an 'overdistorted' sound! Radial explains that we have to set the DI ouput (from the computer) just to avoid the clip LED on the Xamp... but it sounds like shit!

So, is somebody here tried to turn up the Xamp ouput to the max and then adjusted the computer output? Is it ok, no problem for the amp?

Can you check what level reduction X-Amp has by loopback test (interface->X-Amp->Interface Hi-Z) with different X-Amp output level settings (especially at maximum)? There is many complaints about Radial`s units that output is weak...
Yeah, I already noticed there's a big difference between the two takes (the miced one and the reamped one). In fact, I gotta make the xamp level (out) match with the miced one to be sure that's the good signal to attack the amp... But the sound is not that good.

Is there a solution/advice to fix that?

Thanks man