X-Japan fans!!!


New Metal Member
Jan 30, 2007
I found an article from another forum stating that X-Japan is re-uniting... I have no idea if there are any X fans in here, but if there is any, that was the news that I read.. They're re-uniting...

copied and pasted from the article:
"X-Japan's ex-management CEO and staff members who worked with X in the past has been to Toshi's solo concert a couple of times because they wanted Toshi to rethink about reuniting X-Japan. Toshi refused it several times but he thought they had heled me a lot so thought again and again...And recently a famuous musician Tetsuya Komuro who is a mutual friend of Toshi and Yoshiki helped them to
be able to reunite. With his help, Toshi decided to work with Yoshiki again.

The above was translated from japanese to english..

Anyways, any X-Japan fans will agree that X will never be complete without Hide... But then again, as long as Toshi is still there, it's all good... He's one of the vocalists that is able to lift my spirits up high with his amazing voice...

R.I.P Hide... You will always be remembered and may your spirit stays with X-Japan... \m/

[p/s: anyone with anymore information on this, please do tell]

[p/s again: i do not welcome X-Japan bashing..If you hate them, say nothing and leave..]
I've just discovered X-Japan thanks to a friend of mine. This band kicks ass! I'm going to deepen my knowledge about it.
I didn't know a member died... R.I.P.
It's good to know that they re-unite, this kind of music looks to be great if played live, so I'll surely go to watch them live if they ever plan a tour across Europe.
They really are great during live... You should watch their live videos on youtube... Lots and lots of energy, and its most great when the crowd sing with them... Watch X-Japan-Kurenai during their 1992 performance.. extremely nice... Also, they played 'Forever Love' during Hide's funeral.. Very emotional.. Even a non-x fan will feel touched watching that video... Unless they're dead inside, that's a whole different matter ;)

\m/ \m/
Thanks for your advice! I'm surely going to watch X-Japan-Kurenai, also because I'm interested to see the band's live perfomance (I still have to). By the way, I'd suggest u to listen to bands such as L'arc-En-Ciel, Do As Infinity and also TM Revolution. Some of that stuff is quite different from X-Japan, but I think the J-Rock thing is great :rock:
I'm a huge X-Japan song, but since when are they considered to be non-metal? I know they've done a lot of ballads and work with classical music, but a lot of their stuff is straight up speed metal.
I'm a huge X-Japan song, but since when are they considered to be non-metal? I know they've done a lot of ballads and work with classical music, but a lot of their stuff is straight up speed metal.

I'm very sorry... I only post them up under 'non-metal' because I'm not quite sure which genre they are under.. I know they are metal though... Just not sure if the metal community in this site will accept them as that... And I'm new here, so I'm not really looking for people bashing me up saying how x-japan should belong in a 'non-metal' page.. (^^,)

Again, I'm very sorry...

\m/ \m/
Whatever it's cool.

So have you heard, that Yoshiki is starting a "super band" with a bunch of really famous J-Rockers. Gackt and Sugizo are the 2 announced members that are in the band as well. Should be an interesting sound since they're all multi-instrumental, so we can expect to hear a new type of sound but still with it's base in rock/metal. Rumors are Miyavi is one of the other members (theres a bunch of reasons I could go over if you wanted), but he hasn't been officially announced as a member yet.
Whatever it's cool.

So have you heard, that Yoshiki is starting a "super band" with a bunch of really famous J-Rockers. Gackt and Sugizo are the 2 announced members that are in the band as well. Should be an interesting sound since they're all multi-instrumental, so we can expect to hear a new type of sound but still with it's base in rock/metal. Rumors are Miyavi is one of the other members (theres a bunch of reasons I could go over if you wanted), but he hasn't been officially announced as a member yet.

really?!?!?! I didn't know... *runs around the room from the news* Can't wait to hear them... Must be super good... Please do go over the reasons... If you don't mind telling...
Well the first hint is that Miyavi said he was going to join a band around the same time Yoshiki said he was making one. Miyavi hasn't announced any details about the band except he met an amazing person who is a lot older than him (Yoshiki has done a lot for music, and is much older). Next in one of Miyavi's recent posts in his online journal he left 3 X Japan song names hidden throughout it. You can view the post along with all the references pointed out for you in the link below.


Please note that all this stuff is coming from Miyavi, so all it proves is that he wants to join. Yoshiki, Gackt, and Sugizo haven't mentioned his name at all yet.
Thats excellent but Hide made the band. Also, I consider them Metal but you realize that now. I agree with posting it here first. You could have gotten crucified by some members here for mentioning them.