X Japan for PPUSA


Skeletor Goes to Mars
Jan 30, 2005
This post might seem ridiculous to some of you. Check out what I just noticed on Wikipedia:

"In March 2007, Toshi announced on his website that he and Yoshiki had recently resumed working together, stating that a "new project" would start soon. In May Toshi stated that an X Japan reformation is scheduled for December 2007."

There's no telling if they will just do one show or actually reform and tour. If they do, I think they should hit the USA. X has an evergrowing cult following here in the US. I think they would be great candidates for PPUSA headliner. The only problem is that there may be too many anime nerds trying to pack in the venue at once :)
First, Glenn has stated before that flying over bands from Asia is prohibitively expensive.

Second, X-Japan has very little following here. Probably an opening or showcase band, and why should they bother? They can play arenas in Japan.
The problem that you have here is that one of the most loved members of this band is dead. None of hide's fans will be happy with any replacement.

Yoshiki cannot play drums anymore like he used toafter having two slipped discs in his neck...this is mostly the reason why he was only briefly part of one other band after X Japan and the style was very different.

Last I heard Toshi had joined some crazy cult and denounced everything he did as part of X Japan...well, glad to hear he dropped that bullshit.

What it would most likely be would be a completely new band doing X Japan songs and maybe with Toshi fronting it...

...Anyway, the only other problem that I have with this is that Visual Kei style bands have been following a trend of being less like bands and more like a stage show. You will never again see some amazing performers like Luna Sea and X Japan. The marketplace for VK bands just isn't interested in that right now...it's degraded into the same 'flavor of the month' pomp bullshit that's been plaguing J-pop for the last two decades. It really would be out of place at ProgPower.

That said...all of Luna Sea's members are still living and still can play and aren't crazy. They've done a reunion once before and although it's not likely to happen again...I would pay any amount of money to see a one-off show of theirs...
Edit: And also, the place for this would be JRR (J-Rock Revolution) which is just finishing out at The Wiltern in LA. Yoshiki put this fest together (and was even handing out donuts and coffee at 3am to the crazy teenage fans camped out overnight...) and that would be much more the place for this sorta thing when they do it again next year (or sooner).
If they could get this together, I would love to see it. That being said, given how huge the band was overseas before they broke up, I doubt they'd within the budget limitations for PPUSA. I would love to see them *somewhere* though, JRR, as Kaosaur mentioned, would be a good place.
I think they are a more appropriate band for BAR Fest, as the focus is more Pacific Rim over there.
That might not be so bad, yanno? Most of X-Japan's fans are the older type such as myself or people who can't get into BAR fest anyway. I hate to be a jerk but it'd be kind of nice without the riff raff (After a few dozen or so jrock concerts I can honestly say I hate most of the younger fans...catty, rude bitches and assholes most of them)...

Anyway, I'll have to take back something I said earlier. Apparently Yoshiki can play...but I doubt he'll be his old self. They just announced a supergroup performance featuring Yoshiki, Gackt, Miyavi and Sugizo for Anime Expo in June.

I can say I'm only really excited about seeing Yoshiki and Sugizo....Gackt is a great singer but I dislike his solo work after Mars and Miyavi is just....well...Miyavi is Miyavi...
One could say that Yoshiki and Hide were the two major talents in the band... but not without pissing other people off.
It's cool. I'm actually happy you came on the board to defend them. :p I'd probably go see them again too.

X Japan are one of the few bands that I am truly sorry I will never get a chance to see in their prime. :erk:

They just announced a supergroup performance featuring Yoshiki, Gackt, Miyavi and Sugizo for Anime Expo in June.

Oh how I wish this was the lineup for A-Kon this weekend here in Dallas! :cry:
First...Can you add what is Toshi's website address. I was a big fan of X-Japan in their prime. It would be good if they would make an appearance at PP but I doubt headline status. I am glad that there are other people who remember this band.
Yeah, I saw that too. It sounds like they might appear at least in LA. If that's the case, then I'm flying out for that (I figure the Japan performance(s) will make it onto a DVD for sure). While hide is gone, I still respect Yoshiki and his work to the fullest. I'm just concerned how long Yoshiki can really play drums. (He even says his wrists hurt bad when playing the piano for awhile). The later X Japan shows it seemed he could go very few songs without taking a break and they would have to play with a backing track or do some stage antic. However, Yoshiki would give it his all, so it's understandable if he has a bad neck/back.

BTW, a new X-Japan DVD set featuring shows from December 30 and 31, 1994 is being released 7/25/2007. Wahoo!