X-mas lights...

He probably set the whole thing up with X10 and some robust as hell software. It really wouldn't be that hard. You'd have to go through the song and mark the time for all of the "parts," then program each string of lights to go on and off at those times.

It's kinda like that group of students who set up an office building so that at night the lights of the building would make a very large game of pong that people could play via a web page. Here's info about it. http://www.blinkenlights.de/interactive.en.html That's cool, but it doesn't have TSO music.
Regor said:
It ain't fake, and here's proof: If you look to the left of the house, there's a light in the background that blinks every 3 secs or so. If it were photoshopped pics together to makea movie, that light would be off. And it's not.
Oh, you're right. I didn't notice that. It would be impossible to fake that in photoshop.
I just showed this to my boss and asked him if his house will be like this in time for the office Xmas party (ha ha).

He just stood in awe saying "Wonder what sort of controllers are used for that sort of thing?" (which means, wheels are turning - giggle)
Okay guys and gals, i have gone to the site, and downloaded the software, got it working, and just for kicks got out some Christmas lights and plugged them in and tested them, using NIGHTWISH "SLAYING THE DREAMER". I have to tell you it is amazing what that software will do. I did have to call and buddy of mine(an IT GURU) now i will decide whether or not to use it outside, i know my neighbors would get upset. So i may just use it inside.
The Today Show on NBC just interviewed the family who constructed the light display. Here's the scoop:

Dude works for a subsidiary of G.E. and does computer programming. He has 25,000 lights in the display. He starts work on October 1st, and completes the assembly and testing to start it up the day after Thanksgiving. He has an FM transmitter to broadcast the music synched to the lights display. Drivers can come by, flip to the particular station, and listen to the music and watch the lights. His wife worked on coordinating the motion and patterns to the music. His electric bill costs an extra $150 in December each year. His grade school daughters said their friends called them Miss Popular at school. They showed the interview in the morning hours, and they had the lights and music going as they interviewed them. There was a short section of lights out on the gutter.

Anybody else heard that there was an accident in front of the guys house and he's agreed to not play his display anymore.


Sad... but can't say I didn't expect it.

As a side note: after the 'cool' factor wears off, could you imagine how annoying it would be to LIVE beside this guy??

Angrafan said:
OMG! I just saw that video on a MILLER LIGHT COMMERCIAL! LOL

That's Miller LITE. At first I didn't understand the point of the commercial, but then the play-on-words "Enjoy the Lites" cleared that up. :)

jonrpatrick said:
As a side note: after the 'cool' factor wears off, could you imagine how annoying it would be to LIVE beside this guy??

Every thread about these lights on every board I've been on has had people say stuff like this. I just don't understand it. When I'm inside my house, I don't notice my neighbor's lights. I forget about them. They're not there. I don't think there's any way this guy's display would bother me one bit.
....especially since, according to Snopes and the Today show, the audio component is played only over a low-power FM signal. Wouldn't bother me either.

Still, if traffic became an issue, I imagine the neighbors wouldn't take too kindly to that. ("I'd like to go out to eat, but the damned tourists are blocking my driveway!")