X-Men 3


Aug 22, 2003
Saw it yesterday.
It was a great movie.:headbang: Not as good as the others, but still a fun movie.
If you go to see it make sure you stay through the credits.
I saw it but i am disappointed.It could be much much better.Script is really bad,many character havent got any points and they came out of nowhere etc(Especially Juggernaut).Its like they rushed and did the movie and all the important characters fell in the second plan where they do nothing.X-Men fans must see the movie though.Marvel must give these kinda films to better directors.
Saw it on thursday night and it was gem.
A lot better than I expected. I think I was kinda guilty of being a little too precious of the whole Bryan Singer thing (I think a lot of magazine articles are the same way.)

But to me it still seemed like an X-Men movie regardless of the fact it wasn't Singer directing.
We all know it would have to have been something extra special to top X2 but it still found me suitably agreeable and counting the days unitl I see it again!!

In concusion: I was expecting a "good" movie but saw a "great" movie, although, not a "brilliant" movie.

And, Vinnie jones wasn't half as annoying as I expeted him to be.!!
That movie was fucking terrible. It had absolutely nothing to do the X-MEN, except for a few characters.

The only decent thing was that Beast looked ok.
Kelsey Grammer. Bwahahahahahahaha

Anyway, I did'nt know IceMan was a pedophile.

And the scene with the Juggernaut was fucking histaricle, if you have not seen this spoof yet, check it out;

All in all, it was an ok movie I thought, but nothing spectacular. I did'nt like how they left the door open for a 4th movie - A 4th movie that I doubt will ever get made.
What happens after the credits? My ass was asleep so I had to get the hell outta there. Great fun movie! Not comic accurate but great fun none-the-less.

Completely gobsmacked about some of the main characters getting knocked off.

But I didn't stay til the end to see that little bit of fluff ... DAMN!!!
It seems that another sequel is being set up at the end, but I heard today that a Wolverine movie is probably going to be made instead. Anyone heard anything?
They're making a Wolverine movie ( a prequel according to Hugh Jackman) AND a Magneto movie. I'm sure after the big opening weekend they had we'll see more X-Men movies.