...::: Xes Dreams :::...
The Xes Dreams band was formed in 2007. After series of concerts band became famous for its specific fancy-dress shows, dramatic vocal and atmospheric music. In 2008 the band got the title of ‘the best Odessa rock-group’ and took the first place in ‘Pykeynie Jilety’ competitions. In 2009 Xes Dreams started an imposing work at their first full-length album ignoring all events and festivals. For this time new image and sound conceptions were designed and realized. Style which the band plays is difficult for grading: every track has its own character and scenario. However, their works have mutual dark frame of mind. In view of album release two web-singles – ‘March feat. Lestar’, ‘Delta Orionis’ – were represented at the end of 2010. All musical raw-materials were recorded at LETA Production studio, based by Yuri ‘Lead’ Zabelyn (Hranitely band) and Tony Alien (Ungrace band). In December 2010 Xes Dreams joined Russian project “Front of music liberation-2” supported by the one of most popular metal-magazines ‘Dark City’. We hope our album’ll appear this year.Genre: metal-music experiments with orchestra, jazz, etno and pop
Album: coming soon
Our partners: Хранители (Ukrainian modern metal band), Dust Heaven (ukrainian sinthy-pop), Ungrace (ukrainian extremу metal)
Singl: will come in few days
Album preview:

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