WOLF – Legions Of Bastards Artwork, Tracklisting Revealed


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
Legions Of Bastards, Swedish metallers WOLF’s 6th album, and thhe follow-up to 2009’s Swedish Grammy nominated album Ravenous, was produced by Pelle Saether at Studio Underground in Vasterås, Sweden.
Legions Of Bastards‘s artwork was once again created by Thomas Holm, the man who did MERCYFUL FATE’s legendary Melissa and Don’t Break The Oath covers.

Check out the artwork below:

WOLF - Legions Of Bastards

Says Wolf: “Legions Of Bastards is the fruit of lots of hard work, sweat and blood. Our music has always come from the heart, but this one seems to us even more honest and straight forward than any other album we’ve made. We’re not afraid to say that this is a GREAT album. If you love it, like we do, raise the horns and bang your head! If you don’t – we don’t care. We’d still be banging our heads!”

Legions Of Bastards will be released through Century Media Records on the following dates:

Germany/Austria/Switzerland/Norway – Friday, April 22nd

UK/Benelux/France/Greece/Denmark/Portugal/Rest of Europe – Monday, April 25th

North America/Spain/Italy – Tuesday, April 26th

Sweden/Finland/Hungary – Wednesday, April 27th

Australia/New Zealand – Friday, April 29th

Legions Of Bastards tracklist:

‘Vicious Companions’
‘Skull Crusher’
‘Full Moon Possession’
‘Jekyll & Hyde’
‘Tales From The Crypt’
‘Nocturnal Rites’
‘Road To Hell’
‘False Preacher’
‘Hope To Die’
‘K-141 Kursk’

The Ltd. Edition Digipak includes ’6 Steps’ (Japan bonus track from the Ravenous album) and ‘Method To Your Madness’ (METAL CHURCH cover). The album will also come out on vinyl.

Frankly I'm gonna hunt down that cover of Metal Church (I'm not gonna buy a Japanese version :err:) like crazy on the net. I'm sure it'll be mean.
The right half of the cover looks cool, what's with the left half though? Bleck!

Anyways, looking forward to it as always. :)

My thoughts exactly, as long as the music keeps kicking ass, damn the cover.
Weird cover, looks like a video game...
I'm also looking forward to this album, although I'm a bit
worried as they mentioned Pantera as an influence on this album...
As allways; we'll judge when the album hits the shelves.
although I'm a bit
worried as they mentioned Pantera as an influence on this album...

Where you read that? Cuz it's damn scary if true :yow:. But I hope that after 5 great albums the band keep the right path.
Bumping this one as a one of the new songs was presented live

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Just heard they will tour here in september...finally !! 3 gigs are planned quit near me, so 3 gigs it'll be :-)
29-30 April is KIT-weekend, so I'll have to wait until September ....

Sorry to hijack the thread. But you know that Ostrogoth cancelled the KIT appearence? Sad as they were one of the bands I was going for initially. So ut's John Cyriis (Mythiasin will took over vocals for AS), and Vektor will be replaced by Alpha Tiger.

It seems now will be:

April 29th
  • MASTERS OF METAL: 22:45 – 00:15
  • VICIOUS RUMORS: 21:10- 22:25
  • GRIFFIN: 19:50 –20:50
  • BREAKER: 18:30 – 19:30
  • BROCAS HELM: 17:25 – 18:10
  • SLAUTER XSTROYES: 16:20 – 17:05
  • BITCH: 15:15 – 16:00
  • DAMIEN THORNE: 14:10 – 14:55
  • HELLHOUND: 13:05 – 13:50
  • ALPHA TIGER: 12:00 – 12:45
April 30th
  • CRIMSON GLORY: 22:45- 00:15
  • MALICE: 21:25 –22:25
  • SATAN: 20:05 – 21:05
  • SACRIFICE: 18:45 – 19:45
  • SLEDGE LEATHER: 17:25 – 18:25
  • DEATH DEALER: 16:20 – 17:05
  • METALUCIFER: 15:15 – 16:00
  • SARACEN: 14:10 – 14:55
  • ENFORCER: 13:05 – 13:50
  • SIGN OF THE JACKAL: 12:00 – 12:45
Yes, I knew Ostrogoth canceled. I've seen pics of the guitar player's arm that was cut nearly off with a saw, so it really was impossible for them to come. They will be there in 2012 though.
Bumping this one as the album already leaked.

I must say that even a hardcore fan of Wolf like me must acknowledge that this is not "Evil Star" or "Ravenous". As much as I know people here prefer "The Black Flame" (which is not among my favorites), this one is not as good either.

Yes it sounds total like Wolf and the band delivers what you expect easily from 'Vicious Companions' to 'Full Moon Possession' (pure energy all of them).

'Jekyll & Hyde' then slow down (still preserving a great guitar work tho').

But I feel they drop the quality for 'Absinthe' a song with a unremarkable feeling that by brief moments reminds of Pantera (which is very bad in my book).

'Tales From The Crypt' it's average with a very good solo must be pointed.

'Nocturnal Rites' it's boring with a very bad ending (a sudden cut).

From 'Road To Hell' to 'K-141 Kursk' the album goes back into form gratefully ('Hope To Die' must be pointed as a really goot catchy song) so the overall experience is positive but not astounding.

Fans of the band will gonna buy it for sure, fans of old school metal have a decent album here, so Wolf delivered one more time and still are atop of their game.
I'm a couple songs in and thus far I'm digging it a lot. Reminds me of 80s hard rock (big choruses) with the heaviness of Ravenous or Black Flame.

As Wyvern said, it still sounds like Wolf but it's not really a "Wolf" album. Old school metal to boot, but not quite the Maiden sound of their earlier stuff. We'll see if my opinion changes as I get further in, but right now I'm content.

Edit: To me, this is Wolf playing their version of No More Tears :)