'Backing vocals' appreciation thread

Sorry for my bad english..
well..i have a question.. why dont you keep that really GREAT backing vocals
in a live presentation?
i mean, the result in the albums its AWESOME..Is it difficult in a concert?
* my favorite backing vocals is in welcome to mercy falls

Please see:
We do a fair amount of backing vocals live. It is very hard on our level to get all that across in a live setting, which certainly is one reason why it will never sound as on the album.

But in almost every track we play live there is somewhere between 2-4 harmonies on every chorus plus extra harmony parts here and there, so we certainly do backing vocals live to. However, noone sings as good as TOmmy so of course it will never sound as on the album. But most poeple hear us more often on the album than live so I am ok with having it that way.

Hide and seek, Taint the sky and Edge of my blade all have four harmonies on all the choruses, as do Not an Angel and Paradise.

Sometimes it is simply to difficult on the guitar for Johan to sing at the same time, some other time it is too difficult for Kyrt or Johnny (I don't sing).
In those cases we have 2-3 harmony parts, like Banish the Wicked or Unbreakable where the chorus on guitar is too odd to sing over.

In addition to that you gotta remember that we have one world class vocalist in the band and not eight. Tommy can only sing one melody at a time live.
It's clear for me
I just wanna have a good video with a good sound, cause youtube has not
great quality sound of your live presentations and is almost impossible to
find a sw's dvd here in peru..
Honestly, I think one of my favorite things about some of the SW tunes is that the background vocals begin to sing the next lyrics before Tommy (DCB - great minds my freind hehehe) - it adds a kind of atmosphere, like thinking before speaking...

Being in total awe of the amazing harmonies goes without saying... come on, the SW guys and Mike from Circus Maximus blew me away with their harmonies in a stairwell at ProgPower... it was f'n AWESOME
I like Jenny's backing vocals. Usual backing vocals are awesome, but Tommy and Jenny singing together is just... beautiful.

FYI: that happens at the final minute or so, in the song "Long Way Home", from TGE. That part is my favorite, but, of course, there are more scattered through TGE (song), and even Mercy Falls.
Well, Tommy, I appreciate all your backing vocals (even the ones you did for Kamelot, since they brought me to Seventh Wonder!) but those on TGE are tip top. "you're such a little snake" really sounds nasty.

I am glad he chooses to growl and devil voice sparingly. It is hard on the throat, plus bands that do it too much just sound boring. I also love Jenny's voice...she has a sweet almost-lisp that makes her seem so innocent, and as Tommy said in some interview I read, she blends perfectly with her brother's sound.

Sorry if this is a bit off topic, but I also wish to add that when Tommy sings in lower register, his voice is totally sexy and compelling. He should do it more often, I think.:tickled: