XLR rack panel


more metal, more booze!!!
hey guys, any one know of anywhere i can get a 12 input XLR rack unit from? It needs to have 12 female XLRs on the front and 12 male sockets on the back. Its so i can have easy connection of the XLRs on the back of my motu.

So far i can get a preloaded female XLR socket panel from cpc.co.uk for £14 but i dont think it has anything connected on the back.

Ive seen this one so far

and its ideal, but cant find them in the UK or europe, and i cant be doin with the hastle of tax and customs from a US company to the uk. plus its a tad on the expensive side after shipping to UK for me.

If any one knows of something similar give us a shout :)