I am still in a state of shock at seeing Y & T on 6th October at Glasgow Cathouse cos they were absolutely and totally bloody MINDBLOWING!!!!!!! The place was well and truly packed to the rafters and I was right at the front of the barrier, right in front of Meniketti and Y & T came on stage and blew that Cathouse wide open with their awesomeness.
Y & T were absolutely on fire, what a band and what a voice, definitely the second best concert of my life. They were absolutely spectacular live, they rocked that Cathouse to the very core.
Every single song was out of this world and they played all my favs, Hang Em High, Open Fire, Surrender, Mean Streak, Midnight in Tokyo, Rescue Me, Dirty Girl, Forever, Rock & Roll's Gonny Save the World, I Believe in You, Barroom Boogie and loads more, they were on stage for about 2 hours. Rescue Me was always my fav and that was stunning live, Dirty Girl, Barrroom Boogie and Mean Streak definite highlights of the night but the outstanding song of the night was I Believe in You, that was totally phenomenal I very nearly creamed my pants during that song, and I think most of the audience did as well, it was 100% totally orgasmic..
And it was really funny halfway through the concert when a lot of folk started singing:-
"There's only one Meniketti, There's only one Menikietti, There's only one Menikettiiiiiiiii
Walking in a winter wonderland."
They sang this about 6 times and the band stopped everything and looked quite bemused by this and Meniketti just stood there with a big huge grin on his face and probably thought everyone was mental. Not sure what the walking in a winter wonderland was all about but it was really funny at the time. After the choir stopped singing Meniketti said "Thanks very much for the halftime entertainment, you guys are awesome!"
Sensational night and that Cathouse hasn't been rocked like that for ages and once they'd finished, Meniketti said they were coming back next year - so hopefully he will keep his word and came back and rock us all again.
Only managed to get a handful of pics cos it was pretty crazeee down the front, a lot of bumping and grinding going on behind me
, and there was always about ten ton of dry ice wafting over the stage, so I ended up just taking a few photos and put the camera away.
Next concert for me is in 3 days time when I'm going to King Tuts in Glasgow to see The Answer and Roadstar - should be a cracker. This will be 3rd time seeing The Answer and first time for Roadstar!
Y & T were absolutely on fire, what a band and what a voice, definitely the second best concert of my life. They were absolutely spectacular live, they rocked that Cathouse to the very core.
Every single song was out of this world and they played all my favs, Hang Em High, Open Fire, Surrender, Mean Streak, Midnight in Tokyo, Rescue Me, Dirty Girl, Forever, Rock & Roll's Gonny Save the World, I Believe in You, Barroom Boogie and loads more, they were on stage for about 2 hours. Rescue Me was always my fav and that was stunning live, Dirty Girl, Barrroom Boogie and Mean Streak definite highlights of the night but the outstanding song of the night was I Believe in You, that was totally phenomenal I very nearly creamed my pants during that song, and I think most of the audience did as well, it was 100% totally orgasmic..
And it was really funny halfway through the concert when a lot of folk started singing:-
"There's only one Meniketti, There's only one Menikietti, There's only one Menikettiiiiiiiii
Walking in a winter wonderland."
They sang this about 6 times and the band stopped everything and looked quite bemused by this and Meniketti just stood there with a big huge grin on his face and probably thought everyone was mental. Not sure what the walking in a winter wonderland was all about but it was really funny at the time. After the choir stopped singing Meniketti said "Thanks very much for the halftime entertainment, you guys are awesome!"
Sensational night and that Cathouse hasn't been rocked like that for ages and once they'd finished, Meniketti said they were coming back next year - so hopefully he will keep his word and came back and rock us all again.
Only managed to get a handful of pics cos it was pretty crazeee down the front, a lot of bumping and grinding going on behind me

Next concert for me is in 3 days time when I'm going to King Tuts in Glasgow to see The Answer and Roadstar - should be a cracker. This will be 3rd time seeing The Answer and first time for Roadstar!